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subversive light

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Everything posted by subversive light

  1. i'm listening to a dog barking furiously and there are children screaming
  2. this pre-pre-release thread will last at least a fucking year holy shit and who the hell is daniel oliv or whateve his name is f u c k in h ell shit
  3. I just wanted to say that I fully support this opinion and I just wanted to post this text she said in an interview to Pitchfork. "Because things have shifted culturally. It’s more appropriate now than under the Obama administration, where at least everyone I knew felt safe. It was a good time. We were on the up-and-up. "- LDR "Women started to feel less safe under this administration instantly. What if they take away Planned Parenthood? What if we can’t get birth control? " - LDR (click here to see the interview) I don't think I would have to write about these but it's obvious that she isn't 100% woke, many of you are going to try to call me out or call me a snowflake but Lana is still too blind for some stuff, it's 100% white feminism. And lots of people share this same point of view: it looks like that people only mind about politics now, like other people didn't went through shit before. Racism and sexism and homophobia - and it goes - weren't invented when Trump became a president.. It's so fucking weird and stupid, honestly. I prefer Lana to ignore politics than she trying to act "woke" and saying shit like "it's more appropriate [to write protests + war + etc songs] now than under Obama administration", like USA - or any country in the world - didn't faced problems before. the thing is: some countries have been already (I know my grammar sucks) facing problems far before Trump's govern or 'nuclear tensions'. America itself has been facing problems since the first white bitch stepped in the continent.
  4. i saw her complaining about israel when she arrived at the airport and said she doesn't have nothing to do with their politics is zeze surprised honestly
  5. that's what is going to happen, probably 'Happiness shit butter flies' is going to be released in 2019 silent lana is good lana ogslkgdl lmao im laughing i don't know why, i agree with you tho but that was funny tbh
  6. very disappointed, not surprised tho
  7. I think we ain't getting SHIT this year lanal derye is going to spend the rest of her year drinking coffee and breaking her phone screen
  8. probably one of the most talented people nowadays, good actor and amazing rapper
  9. I feel sad for the DC fans because............... holy shit warner....... holy shit holy fuck damn it DCU is dead in a ditch tumblr fandoms are always the worst that's a fact anywa yeah exactly, hollywood lives by doing whitewashing on their movies, what the fuck ACTORS are supposed to do lmao
  10. nope i have a samsung notebook very good do you have any phone or computer or tv or *anything else* from samsung??
  11. eclipse sent this for me this morning he told me to keep this as a secret but i had to share with y'all in a few hours we will have the song leaked (or at least part of this)
  12. yes i do do you own a turtle (because dogs can be owned we're independent doggis)
  13. LDR6 LYRICS LEAKED uh climb up the d of the doggy sign yeah in these stolen moments the world is dog's there's only dog here just us dogether keepin' me dog like january forever
  14. i'm talking about these 'new fans' (when the hype disappears, they will disappear too as well) from lgbtq 'fake woke' tumblr that spend 90% of their time shipping characters + making huge mess over actors and trying to bully you bc you disagree with them; or if we try to correct them about something else (like that dr strange huge mess about whitewashing - i dislike whitewashing but some of them hate even the characters or the other actors that are featured on the movie holy shiiiiit) they get so mad lmao, they act like they're THE SHIT - most of them are on tumblr anyway;;;; we can also describe them as these shitty tumblr users that have a huge amount of followers and already think they're a huge celebrity, avoid answering other people, are always arguing, anyway, they are an obvious small part of the public, but they get a lot of attention by being assholes new fans are always welcome, it doesn't matter if you found out about MCU, DCU or any singer, movie, actor, etc, like yesterday, if you consider yourself as a fan, you are a fan and that's all that matters I think it's a huge deal and I think it's sad that Marvel said that "it's just a celtic version" but they will probably stop doing these. There's also Scarlet Witch's whitewashing that I didn't knew that it were whitewashing (I didn't knew that Romani people were considered PoC???? Or Jewish people?? anyway) Anyway, this shouldn't make us feel guilty for liking these movies - as some people want us to feel. We can't do shit about it.
  15. When I was younger, I was a die-hard fan of Marvel, nowadays I'm a ''just a fan" but I still have and read their HQs.. The only movies I didn't watched at the theaters were Civil War - I was disappointed with AoU - and Spider-Man: Homecoming bc I wasn't excited tbh. I still didn't watched Spider-Man..... Despite those useless info, I watched IW in the last friday and I can't even create a phrase. WIG maybe... Honestly I didn't 100% hated Thanos, but that small sympathy lasted only until... (SPOILERS AHEAD. DOGGO WARNED YOU) I will try to rank my favorite movies Infinity War - maybe I'm ultra-hyped but I can't do nothing about it Black Panther Doctor Strange (fake woke hated the movie bc these cunts think that HQ Stephen is asian but the character that was whitewashed is the Ancient One lmaoo bunch of dumbasses) Ant-Man Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1 Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 Thor: Ragnarok Captain America: The Winter Soldier Thor Thor: The Dark World I just wanted to say again, these new fans from 'fake woke queer tumblr' are hella annoying and they turned everything hella annoying. Same thing with Star Wars and Doctor Who. I liked Future Past (it's one of my favs tbh) but Apocalypse was HORRIBLE, totally awful. Unwatchable movie.
  16. its her bestest song omg
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