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Everything posted by WildMustang

  1. WildMustang

    Song vs. Song

    Love vs Children of the bad revolution
  2. I am so tired of waiting BUT I'm trying to persuade myself that she makes something big
  3. lol 3 years of German and the only thing I remember is "Kartoffelsalat" , too
  4. I hope ( I doubt tho) that there will be more "gangsta" songs in the album like be my daddy or off to the races
  5. I think that she uses cheek fillers and they don't look good at her..This is why she looks different And in general I believe that we look as beautiful as we feel..Now that she's happier she looks fresh and young
  6. I agree about the vocal coach..It's not about "fixing" the voice or proving that Lana can't sing but a basic technique really gives confidence to the singing and that's what Lana needs
  7. In the livestream about Love MV she said "for the first single which came early"
  8. I don't know..mixed feeling Her vocals were good but not passionate and the worst is that she seems that she doesn't want it anymore..I am wondering what changed.. I believe there are many factors about this
  9. WildMustang

    Song vs. Song

    National Anthem vs National Anthem demo
  10. Are you kidding me ?? Before two minutes we were all complaining about not having something new and now this...OK SHOOK
  11. I don't like her very much in LOVE mv ..I think she looks kinda weird for some reason
  12. If video games was not included on Born to Die it would be my worst album..
  13. In that case I am ready for a depressing album by the queen of depression
  14. I really really would love that..James is very good host with humor and makes his guests feel comfortable ..But I really doubt about it
  15. so exciting I can't even tell ..Really I hope I'm wrong..
  16. I have a feeling that Lana will not promote in general her album...she may is not an indie artist but she really joins them lately so I think she's gonna follow their strategy
  17. WildMustang


    I don't like her music in general but this song has very nice melody..but I don't like her voice
  18. WildMustang

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs The Blackest Day
  19. Lana is alway classy and chic but I would like to see her more sexy and hot
  20. cruel world - 77 ultraviolence - 16 shades of cool - 43 brooklyn baby - 23 west coast - 32 sad girl - 6 pretty when you cry - 21 black beauty - 15 florida kilos - 15
  21. Okay I'm gonna ask something veeery stupid What does this phrase "ACCORDING TO ALL KNOWN LAWS OF AVIATION THERE IS NO WAY A BEE SHOULD BE ABLE TO FLY" stand for ? I mean it's like a cover for something I think but what lol I think It's pretty obvious but not to me
  22. She even perfomed in Japan ..She wants to it so bad lol I agree with that..Nothing is over I am very positive right now and she still can make it if she wants
  23. At this phase I agree..Chuck looks beautiful and natural while Lana is touching her face I think In general I prefer Lana cause her beauty is more unique than Chuck's
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