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white gold

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Everything posted by white gold

  1. I saw it 5 minutes before I had to take a midterm LMAO. You bet I was the first one out of that test just so I could go outside and watch it a million times and OH MY GOD I'm still getting chills from it. Amazing
  2. she looks witchy w/ that super long hair. i'm into it
  3. white gold


    video is so cute. i love her poofy pants lol
  4. white gold


    ATR sounds too much like Chvrches imo TMTD is one of my favs tho
  5. I'm pretty sure the filter shows up for everyone
  6. queen of snapchat idc what anyone says. clock my avatar. I clearly like the app
  7. The queen they're bringing back has the potential to make great television, much like Shangela. She's f-ing crazy and I know she can do a lot better than she did on her original season.
  8. same. he's much better than A$AP Rocky and Drake IMO . If she wants to collab w/ a rapper, Abel is the one
  9. white gold

    Noah Fence

    noah fence but I didn't know this was an actual artist, and thought it was just a meme based off misspelling "no offense"???? cool music tho. thanks for educating me lmaooo
  10. She says a few thing mean things in untucked, but a lot more of the queens get screentime that they didn't get in episode 1. Minor untucked spoiler: Like I said, she reminds me of Bianca/Ginger, but I feel like her comments generally aren't as funny (except for when she asked if Jaymes' personality was fake. lol). Maybe she'll have a few nicer moments later in the show, similar to how Bianca lent Adore her corset in S6, but we'll have to see. She might grow on me, but she's definitely polarizing.
  11. ANYWAY, here's what I thought of the episode (and my initial impressions of the queens in general, since I haven't posted it yet and I am OBSESSED with this show): As for tea concerning the 14th queen.... These are just my opinions, so feel free to disagree lmao. I'm not one of those super defensive stans and I loveeee to talk about this show (as you can probably tell).
  12. https://www.facebook.com/RuPaulsDragRacers2/videos/1144038485704888/?pnref=story Quality isn't that good, but honestly watching the queens in HD on VH1 has been uhh... interesting.
  13. white gold

    Azealia Banks

    1. I don't follow him that closely--so I guess I was wrong about him being alt-right, but I always get super misogynist/racist vibes from the stuff I see from him. Just b/c he's a "liberal" doesn't mean he's some sort of saint. The way I've heard him talk about Lana always gave me gross vibes. He's always like "why is she such a sad girl?? why is she setting women back by portraying herself to be so weak?? why is she so vapid??" 2. She does need help, but I really don't think that means he should poke fun at her for the sake of views. It's sad that people tease her when she is obviously going through a very troubled time. She's not perfect and she's definitely a bully, but I think people give her way more flack than she deserves. There's really no point in kicking her while she's down. 3. I'm personally not one of those people who will discredit an artist's work just because they're a bad human being (but I don't judge people if they can't separate music from the artist). I think she's extremely talented and it's hard to see her go through stuff like this. Her actions are frankly indefensible, but seeing people dog-pile on her is sad.
  14. white gold

    Iggy Azalea

    old iggy is back. thank god she's not trying to sing anything anymore.
  15. white gold


    k so I was on my spotify discover, which I rarely check, saw Allie X & thought, "hey isn't that the girl whose thread on Lanaboards is always active" ANYWAYS That's So Us is a MASTERPIECE. omg I wish I had heard it earlier. I'm in front of my laptop rn but I can't wait to blast it in my car when I get the chance
  16. does literally anyone regularly watch Bravo? I'm too indecisive to watch Netflix/Hulu regularly (marathonning shows is not for me), so I usually just keep my TV turned onto Bravo while I work on school shit, chill out, etc. ANYWAYS, I'm basically Andy Cohen's bitch (he's the exec producer of pretty much every show on that network and I think he's a genius). This season of Vanderpump Rules has been AMAZING (the Bachelor/Bachelorette party episode deserves an Emmy, truly). And I've also been a long time fan of Real Housewives of New York (but I've seen almost every city except for basic-ass Potomac). ANYWAY, are there any other lipsters (or vintage kids w/e) who also like trash reality TV like this? BONUS: a pic of my daddy dragging Trump through the mud
  17. it came from idiots spreading fake news as usual, i'm sure
  18. i'm always around my group of friends (some of whom like Lana but def not as much as me), and I'll just randomly shout "OMG LANA IS LIVE ON INSTA RN.." at 4am and they're always like "why" and then i go to the bathroom and watch the whole thing but yeah i'm fun at parties i swear
  19. oh i see. I didn't scroll that much through the pages today bc they looked basic af (as usual) except for that alleged 5second snippet that I don't even care to track down. I'm too busy obsessing over her flawless candid instagram post (that she made at 4AM LAST NIGHT, while I was also partying. relatable queen) but ya this forum has way too many trolls that post fake shit like what are you even trying to accomplish like do you have anything better to do idgi
  20. oh it looks like they're slowly uploading the clips to the RPDR twitter. Aja's first and it seems cute--they're really short tho tbh it's cute but it's such a weird concept. carpool karaoke kind of makes sense but idk how why you would have an interview... while driving?? I guess it makes it more casual but I never understood this trend
  21. Eclipse is a play off the "Honeymoon" era. like are you people really that dense
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