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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. Apple music posted on their Snapchat "we interrupt for this breaking story.." and a pic of a bee??
  2. sarahi2266 on Twitter is apparently gonna post pictures as well as videos
  3. That pic is from like 2013 or something like that
  4. If she's gonna be on beats1 you might be able to listen here http://irumble.com/beats1/ I'm not 100% sure tho
  5. I really have a feeling she's gonna announce something tonight. It'd also be nice for all of u pessimistic​ ass snakes to have nothing to show for ur attitudes. (Jk but seriously wtf crawled up your ass and died)
  6. Time is flying by so fucking fast, not even just in terms of "she needs to hurry before her window closes!1!1!1!1", but just in general. It's insane. It is all the more reason to hurry, though. As much as I respect her wanting to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be, it's kinda lame to just stay silent and then announce something like this with the bare minimum amount of info. I don't know though. I guess she only has so much control with her management and label in the picture
  7. I don't think she knows how expensive the tickets are...
  8. THANK YOU. Just because the tickets are REALLY fucking overpriced doesn't mean people aren't like allowed to record it or something crazy like that. If it were a ~private~ show I doubt she'd be posting on all of her accounts about it, and I doubt there'd be articles getting written about it the day it gets announced.
  9. how can i watch online when it happens omg and what timezone is it so i can convert it
  10. Hanna

    Instagram Updates

    *"NOT ON MY WATCH" gif*
  11. K I know this is a fucking reach but I saw it on Tumblr and the theory is that it's an outtake from UV or hm and therefore it's registered as something different than what it'll be released as on this album??? I've been all over the place in this
  12. Why is everyone upset lol bar was serving Iggy Azalea "the new classic" teas. This name change is an improvement
  13. Wonder why Chuck had BAR on her Instagram story
  14. Shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkk!
  15. Remember when checking this thread for news was a thing
  16. If you're talking about the one with the vintage filter over the poster and the red background Neil pic with a black border, I'm positive those are both from the version we already have
  17. Where are people getting the idea bar is a uv outtake
  18. Stole @@Trash Magic's idea (even tho I could never come close to that) and made a DiamondGarden Esque thing
  19. Why can Neil not post an HQ pic. I honestly do like his photos but seriously man
  20. I thought eclipse said Lana told him March 6?
  21. Another situation where the song is from the video, would explain the beeps at the beginning. But, if this is a demo then... ? Idek
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