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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. her pupils in that one pic omg hook me up elizabeth
  2. You seem so sweet and I love reading your posts! Your icon is always so adorable! I've been wanting to message u lately but I'm awkward
  3. I'd bet money we get a single with the pre order
  4. Well they don't but I also don't think they would officially release something when nobody's awake
  5. If you're not a super mainstream artist like Beyoncé it's not the smartest thing to announce at midnight. Even if you're like Lana and you only really care about fan reception, the initial reaction is gonna blow if you release at midnight compared to the morning because well duh everyone's asleep
  6. Hanna

    Oh Wonder

    One of my best friends has met them a few times and has gone to a bunch of their shows, apparently she was the first American fan they'd ever met!
  7. Thank you! And yeah, I wasn't sure about the font either
  8. http://imgur.com/a/ZC1jI Sorry if you don't appreciate edits in this thread ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Didn't someone say that was the release date for the physical copy? The uv CD said a different date than the actual release date too
  10. It's probably been brought up but do u guys think the whole Miles thing could be for a short film?
  11. I don't think writing features would've been described as exciting unless they resurrected Shakespeare tho. And I'm someone who doesn't want features
  12. Am I the only one that doesn't want a Yoko Ono collab
  13. No offence, like do whatever you want (don't expect to be treated like you're being reasonable) but honestly this is enough you pretended to leak your girl on Tumblr and acted like you were the one who initially posted the i want it all snippet. Stop pulling shit like BAR is a uv outtake and the record is coming in June, out of your ass unless you wanna provide proof. Also I cringe at the "a little gift for you kids x" crap tbh
  15. my thoughts exactly like can people stop pulling that out of their ass
  16. http://thedelley.tumblr.com/post/158755094035/farewell idk how seriously to take this since they posted an edit of your girl and claimed it was the full version
  17. Apple music said on Snapchat to tune into ovosund radio tomorrow. I doubt it has anything to do with lana but it's 3pm pst/6pm eat/10pm GMT Edit: kms it's for Drake
  18. Apple music posted on their Snapchat "we interrupt for this breaking story.." and a pic of a bee??
  19. sarahi2266 on Twitter is apparently gonna post pictures as well as videos
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