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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. Let people complain. We're all here together waiting for this puta's music. No one is more superior than the next person. You're not superior if you're up Lana's ass and the people who complain are allowed to show their disappointment. Stop policing this shit. It's a DISCUSSION forum, that's how it all works Snort some coke or something
  2. Has Lana followed any music producers on Insta or Twitter recently? We might be able to get a clue
  3. I'm actually praying we get Emile Haynie back. Also Tim Larcombe. Probably won't be likely as I can't imagine Lana going back to those musical roots, but a girl can dream. I wonder who she went to this time...
  4. I'm not sure if it was this site. All the times when her albums didn't have a clear date, they labelled it under TBD. It's not even saying that with BB which leads me to believe Lana has had a change of heart. They must have taken her off there for a reason
  5. Bad news ya'll. This site said about a week or two ago that Lana was going to release BB in July (can't remember if it said 4th or 5th - but BB was definitely on there), and now it's gone. Even when we didn't have a date for NFR, they labelled it under 'TBD' (to be determined) but BB isn't on there at all anymore, not even under TBD. I def feel it's been scrapped all together. https://hitsdailydouble.com/new_album_releases
  6. Genuinely losing so much interest in AHS and I've been a loyal fan since 2011. Mess. Everything is more camp than horror at this point.
  7. Can't wait to get absolutely nothing on July 4th
  8. How long must we wait for the nebulous cluster that is Lana Del Rey's 8th studio album? How long must we sit here with our fingers perched over our keyboards, mindlessly spewing words of both frustration and delusion that only drags us down further into the rabbit hole of false hope? How long must we wait for the promising ding of an Instagram notification, telling us that Miss Elizabeth Grant has posted information that could potentially quench our ravenous thirst; a thirst that keeps us trapped in a Lanaboards-esque purgatory to which we can never break free from it's hard iron shackles? These shackles to which we have rusted with our blood and tears. How long must we wait to see the album cover that will makes it's home in our iTunes libraries? How long must we wait until we can have a discussion that doesn't pertain to scat, racial issues and the ongoing beratement of a four-eyed producer who shall not be named? How long must we debate vinyl colours? Cobalt blue, shocking magenta, crystalline white, brooding sangria, healing marbled rose quartz - all of which we know are possibilities, but can never come to fruition due to Lana's fairly recent disinterest in aesthetics. How long must we wait until we fill this thread with hyperactive ramblings of excitement instead of dreary monotonous drivel? How long must we wait until we hear songs that are newborn and crisp? To hear melodies that have never touched nor tickled the wisps of hair inside our ears? How long, I ask. How long?
  9. Carrie when her mother locked her in the prayer closet
  10. Imagine Lana following in Jessica's footsteps and decides to write a murder/mystery song about the starlet who died in her pool
  11. If BoZ is right about Thunder, then I'll start believing them. I'm still a sceptic when it comes to 'insiders' on ATRL and Twitter unless it's Eclipse
  12. Lol there was no plastic layer underneath it. Lana was doing damage control because ppl started coming for her. Case closed
  13. Roses Bloom For You hearing about Thunder getting a spot on the tracklist instead of her
  14. Thunder is good but we already have it. We need fresh songs
  15. Deadass thought this was Grimes for a second
  16. She could have re-painted them It's literally just an observation
  17. I'm not a shuffle person either, but lots of people just randomly pick out songs in an album and listen to it by itself. Unless an opening or a closing track has a significant sound that leads into the next song so the flow is cohesive, then personally I don't see the importance of it. With the new singles, you could put them anywhere on the track list and it wouldn't matter at all
  18. I really don't get why ppl put so much significance into what the opening and closing track is tbh. A lot of people just pick out a song they feel like listening to and rarely listen to the album in full anyway
  19. This era is drier than a nun in the sahara desert
  20. Flowerbomb


    Oof this is so good
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