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Daisy Hearted

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Posts posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. On 2/6/2021 at 3:30 AM, UltraviolenceBaby said:

    hell yeah

    It was so clear that she was showing off the ring & I remember many ppl said Scorpio rising will be officially engaged/ married in 2020/2021 which is crazy

    WELL DAMN I HOPE I GET MY MAN THIS YEAR *it's all my dumbass ever wanted*

  2. Which Unreleased song feels like your guilty pleasure?


    Mine is Hit & Run

    I don't know why I love it so much but it sounds so early 2000s, and kinda Lady Gagaish and reminds me of the time I discovered it in my final year of high school and I would listen to it and pretend I was not a model student and in fact a crazy bombshell who drives round town  :thumb:

    It used to make me act like a thot and grab a guy and go on a crime spree lmaooo

  3. okay guys so lets imagine you have to convert a non-fan into being a lana fan, BUT you can only use the first five songs that come up when you shuffle your library of lana's music to convince them.... how screwed/successful are you?


    for me it's:

    1. Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:
    2. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    3. The Greatest
    4. Lolita
    5. Cruel World

    i mean.... it's not TERRIBLE but it's not looking too great  :flop:

    Remember how annoyed we were with Coachella lol? I used to try so hard to like it lol


    I have lost so much interest in Lana til it's scary. At first I chalked it up to me growing up, but it's not the case.


    Like Lana was a huge inspiration for me in so many ways. I've been writing since I was a kid, but her phrasing and a way of words has influenced my work immensely. Like her influence is on me is up there with Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath, and Maya Angelou, so yeah- she impacted me a lot and she even fully inspired me to start singing (her low, deep voice reassured me that it was normal lol)

    But now I rarely listen to her, especially her newer music. Like now when I listen to music she's the last thing I put on my playlist. I couldn't figure out why but now I know why: she's lazy and almost uninspired in a way and I think she's out of touch with her fans in a way? Like remember LFL was supposed to be for the fans( LOL BITCH THE FUCK WHERE?) I hate it bc I no longer find her to be a muse as much as she used to be, and lately she's been giving off these vibes that puts me off of her.


    i'm truly convinced that if she doesn't get her shit together this new girly, wherever she comes from or is will take her place :creep: and tbh i won't even mind

      :creep: and tbh i won't even mind


    lol right

  5. My heart is actually hurting for all the fans that also feel let down, or at least like there's nothing interesting and inspiring here anymore .


    I too was inspired by lana in the way I was from Edgar Allen Poe, Tim Burton, Sylvia, and many movies from my childhood because it was a whole world. 

    I think she was very mistaken in saying LFL was for the fans. The only song that fits that is Love. Its like she thinks a few 'political' songs automatically fit what everyone wants. Well it came too late imo.


    And as for your last point, I don't think it's gonna happen, but I hope it does and when it does I hope that I love them just as much. Lana dropping off the centre of my radar has allowed me to focus on other female artists that I view in a simar way as the 2012-2015 Lana though. And they are continuing to deliver their top quality music and visuals because they never had to exaggerate as it is the very core of who they are. Keeping it up is effortless for them, and dropping it is out of the question, whereas Lana dropped it because she couldn't be bothered anymore.

    Oh yes I'm def looking for more female artists to be inspired by but to be honest I haven't come across many, though I found a lot of artists that are very creative and dedicated.

  6.  I have lost so much interest in Lana til it's scary. At first I chalked it up to me growing up, but it's not the case. 


    Like Lana was a huge inspiration for me in so many ways. I've been writing since I was a kid, but her phrasing and a way of words has influenced my work immensely. Like her influence is on me is up there with Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath, and Maya Angelou, so yeah- she impacted me a lot and she even fully inspired me to start singing (her low, deep voice reassured me that it was normal lol)

    But now I rarely listen to her, especially her newer music. Like now when I listen to music she's the last thing I put on my playlist. I couldn't figure out why but now I know why: she's lazy and almost uninspired in a way and I think she's out of touch with her fans in a way? Like remember LFL was supposed to be for the fans( LOL BITCH THE FUCK WHERE?) I hate it bc I no longer find her to be a muse as much as she used to be, and lately she's been giving off these vibes that puts me off of her.



    Also, is "beige" the actual word used to describe something that's bland, boring, safe, etc? 

    Cause if so, that really is the only way to describe NFR.


    I was holding onto this hope for so long. But Doin' Time came out which was exciting and the best for about 2 days... Then Season of the Witch came out which was exciting and the best for about 1 day. 

    Having some surprises floating in a sea of mediochreness just ain't doin it for me no more. :smokes3:

    This reminds me of something a friend of mine said when Lana dropped LFL and how it was kinda lackluster. He said that Lana typically has this stand out track that surprises you. I can't quite remember what tracks he listed from each album but I def got what he meant. Her first few albums there is always that song that seems really unique rather you like it or not. You don't really here that from her albums these days.

  7. Everyone on twitter is going on about how they have a new collection of sugar daddy anthems (like they do with every new Lana album) and it’s cringey and I feel secondhand embarrassment for all of them. I hate that this is what everyone reduces Lana’s art to.

    I know right? That's already how the general republic sees her, and they're just making it worse! Sometimes I just wanna scream and be like "ARE Y'ALL EVEN FANS???"

  8. god I hope Lana reads those sexist reviews and makes a few calls...

    I always daydream about Lana sitting down in a one on one interview with some of her meanest critics and it's really just Lana roasting them to death and bringing them to life just wreck them again. <3 Someone send her this idea, make it happen.  :hooker:

  9. I had bright wishes in the summer, I was bathing in sunlight

    Painting in the garden like a ghost in Mid-July

    Running fast from something with my eyes wide like

    Saucers spinning in the sun


    Your lies were hard kisses in the summer

    I was dreaming of a lake

    Dreaming of the water where I'd rise like a phoenix

    Or an iron from the fire

    I've got things to tell you like I know that you're a liar



    Those lines had me SOBBING in front of my vanity one day lol

  10. This era already beats Lust For Life. I'm falling back in love with her again :)

    I try so hard not to constantly bring up Lizzy parallels and nods in everything, but... 




    She's serving kitsch, she's serving 2007 wigs, she's serving drive-in, b-movie, surf noir Bollywood Hawaii... 


    She's making my job too easy and I'm LIVING !!!!!!!!!

    It's okay, I see a lot of Lizzy vibes too hehe

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