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Daisy Hearted

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Posts posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. she already posted 90% of the snippets on instagram lol


    i'm very excited about Bartender though

    Yeah but I'm not on instagram  :creep: :toofunny:  cuz I'm lame , I think the only one I have heard was Cinnamon, but I wanna try and keep some of the excitement left for the album lol

  2. Okay so I've had some time to think about the overall aesthetic for this album based on what we have involving the new pics Lana posted PLUS the logo, here's my take:


    It's possible it could be a 50's retro theme involving bright colours like pink, blue, lime green, grey-black etc. 


    Here we see some similarities between a retro pic of a beach body competition from the 1950's, to the pic with Lana that she seems to be re-creating for a music video:




    And then we have the logo which seems to share similarities with old school comic books (which were popular also in the 1950's)




    Her music videos seem to have a clear indication on the aesthetic of the album as a whole. And yeah I know MAC and VB don't share the whole 50's vibe but clearly those videos were made on a whim with no extra thought or clear detail. 

    UGH SHE IS SO HAWT LOOK AT DEM CURVESSSSS :defeated:  :flutter:  :teehee:

  3. All of Body Electric basically.

    Especially the line : "She prays the Rosary for my broken mind"


    "I can see my baby swaying, my parliaments on fire and his hands are up, on the balcony and I'm swaying"


    "Little bits of pieces lined up in an order, box of broken laces tied up in a corner, I'll do what you tell me, we can have it your way, I'll tell you the future , you tell me your story."

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