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Daisy Hearted

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Posts posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. Well it's over. We're really getting an album out of the blue with no promo or singles. I-


    I'm not saying this is what we deserve, but take a look at LFL pre-release thread and how we'd take for granted each single promo she had planned. Like we literally had EVERYTHING and we still got bored after 1 week without news. Lana's probably laughing at us each time we complain about how long it has been    :smh:

    At this point, she's getting revenge on us.

  2. Out With A Bang was always my favourite from the album.

    OMG I am so glad someone feels that way lol.

    To me this is one of her most perfect song. Lyrics on point, voice on point (angelic and full of melody) just ugh it's so charming to me, I'd place it right up with Bel Air.

    for k, my momma, and aviation have always been so special to me. the melodies are beautiful

    Aviation hit hard Junior year of Highschool lol

  3. “the shouting sound” i’m sorry do you mean rick fucking james??? the btd and paradise slander i can’t. clearly y’all don’t get her vision and that’s okay but those records are perfect just the way they are. the changes y’all want would've made them far less special


    anyways i wish she would bring back her btd/paradise whale live vocals.... i love them so much

    Wooah I had no idea the screaming sounds were Rick James? I've been trying to figure that out for years lol

  4. Paradise Edition: (these may not be unpopular, i'm just saying my opinion)


    • umm how was American not scrapped? the lyrics and vocals just sound so bad to me. seems like a filler song
    • Blue Velvet was bland and boring, emotionless.
    • most of Ride feels static. Next.
    • Lana's performance of Body Electric live at the 2012 iTunes Festival is incredible. One of my favorite live recordings of her. The strings, just beautiful.
    • We can all agree that AKA Yayo is better
    • The sound of the children playing in Bel Air feels pure and I feel like all my troubles disappear when I hear it
    • Born to Die and Paradise are so over-produced and heavy, I would love the album so much more if it was stripped down, closer to the demo versions. It sounds so overly-refined and that SHOUTING SOUND IS SO ANNOYING OH MY GOD ITS EMBARRASSING. That's why her unreleased music appeals to me so much because usually it's stripped down and more raw. 


    We have similar opinions!

    *Bel Air was so beautiful and whimsical when I first heard it

    * Honestly, I used to love American but then listening to it again, it's pretty cringey. I think I loved it when I was 15 was bc it reminded me of a boy that I thought I was in love with lol


    * I could never get into Blue Velvet

    * Body Electric live sounds much better, you right

    *The screams. I CAAAAAANNNNT *still love those tracks

  5. So recently I just rediscovered the live version of Body Electric @ Hackney, the very first time she sang it before it was released.

    Anyways, that live version is better than the recorded. I know her vocals are pretty bad, but that's the charm for me.

  6. Hmmm


    I almost wanna you are like....Lana in Ride? lol


    I have two sides: one where I am bright and full of life and always song writing, the other is where I am very melancholic and always doing poetry.

    I love flowers and lace, I like wearing big clothes so I can feel small and I love going on walks and taking photos.

  7. In terms of music not at all, in terms of personality....SOON. She has turned trashy and just damn irritating, especially when she starts speaking like she’s from the ghetto/hood. Her behaviour and lifestyle...hanging out with airhead bimbos and church cruiseing is a turn off.

    I know I'm dumb but what do you mean by church cruising and why is it a bad thing?

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