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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. Ughh I tried to like her and have an open mind with her music but I've about had it
  2. Is the second part the National Anthem instrumental with New Americana vocals because
  3. It's also a street in Brooklyn
  4. I actually think James Franco was the perfect person to interview her because he seems to really understand her and her art and he's obviously not going to ask/publish anything that sheds a negative light on her. It was refreshing to read an interview that wasn't riddled with controversial topics. I want him for all of her interviews.
  5. Lana isn't fat at all. Has she gained a little weight, yes, but when someone goes from being really thin to a normal size, they don't deserve to get attacked. I don't think her weight has affected her style or aesthetic at all. It's changed, but I don't think her weight is why. I would love for the people calling Lana fat to post pictures of themselves and let people tear them apart about their bodies (and style for that matter). Next time you tear Lana down for her weight, think about someone doing the same thing to you. You horrible little shits
  6. I actually agree with you but after, the whole headdress in the ride video, I feel like we'd be better off with no kimono themed things
  7. Is there really someone named Brian Griffin playing the congas...?
  8. The last thing we need is another cultural appropriation controversy
  9. Does anyone know where I can buy this magazine online? I couldn't find a link...
  10. Is that picture with the purple lipstick her I guess? I cant wait
  11. what happened? what's the context and is there screenshots?
  12. I just said something about this in Lanalysis, but I have to wonder if the Lana and Ray lyric has to do with this: https://angiescreams.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/lana-and-ray/ (a blog post from her ex-bf Arthur). I can't really connect him to the song, but obviously it has to be at least a little more than a coincidence.
  13. I know I just posted on this thread, but now I'm really intrigued by Arthur Lynn. I wonder if Waiamia/Wayamaya is inspired by him because of this
  14. This is very interesting because she said in an interview that she wrote VG about World of Warcraft and she said in a different interview that it's her least favorite video game because it consumes every man in her life.
  15. It's too bad the year is wrong because this would be the perfect dress for Lana
  16. But see, that's the thing- I don't understand what makes those titles any better or worse than any titles on HM. What makes American any better than God Knows I Tried? Or Swan Song any worse than Pretty When You Cry? And besides, I don't think the titles matter one bit if the song is good and it's really a waste of your time to gripe about the song titles of all things (and no shade to the person I quoted. Your post made me think about something that had been on my mind)
  17. I know it probably won't be, but I wish MTWBT was like a TIWMUG/Baby Blue Love/Lolita/Boarding School type song because something about it screams 'teenager hanging out with girlfriends and being up to no good'
  18. I'm going to be completely honest, I really didn't like this album at all. I'm not some Halsey-hater or anything, but I gave the album a good, solid chance and it just felt very faux-deep. The one song that stuck out to me that I love is Hurricane. I had already liked that song before and I was hoping for more songs along that speed. Maybe the album will grow on me, but I just had trouble understanding the concept. I might try it again, but that's what I'm feelin from this album.
  19. I can't even stand looking at this thread anymore. People will literally complain about anything and everything. She'll post something on instagram and I'll be like 'aw that's cute and exciting' and I'll get on lb and people are griping (and I'm not talking about everyone, obviously). It's very annoying and it makes coming on here a huge bummer. People can't just be happy in all the news and content we've gotten in a really short amount of time, they have to pick apart everything. Maybe I'm a 'delusional fan', but I don't always want to be picky about trivial things.
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