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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. So the beginning wasn't a slow buildup to a fast song like I had hoped, but it was beautiful and I loved it. However, I don't think it was a good first song to debut off the album. People were waiting anxiously for this song (die-hard fans and otherwise) and I can just imagine there's some people who are bored and who might already be turned off to the album. I don't necessarily blame them, but there's more to a song than it's tempo and it really is pretty.
  2. But do you really think that's the ONLY promo she's doing for the album? I don't even think the era has begun. We know it's 'alive and breathing', but there's nothing really to promo yet. Is she supposed to perform on a late night show when there's no single and no album to promote as of now? As I've said before, the snippets do not make us entitled to get new music right this second. Also, I don't think the instagram is try-hard at all. I think it's just something fun she's doing on the side and honestly, I welcome the little bts posts and extra selfies as opposed to her usual absence. Who cares if she posts 100 selfies a day and 50 pictures of her staff? In the long run, it's not going to make the music come out any faster, so why don't people just chill out and enjoy the fact that she cares enough to even show us these things. And I do care about Lana beyond the music. I think she's interesting and that's why I like interviews and instagram posts and, no, I don't think that makes me delusional at all. I wouldn't spend 5 of my paychecks and travel to see her if I only liked her for her music.
  3. Lana: *Doesn't post anything on social media* Fans: *Get pissed at the silence* Lana: *Shows important people in the development of an album that she obviously cares a lot about on an instagram made specifically for said album* Fans: "Wow she's teasing us and her promo sucks. Can she just release music already instead of these instagram posts?? This is so boring. Who's next? The mailman?" I know not all of the comments about the instagram are said in a malicious manner, but damn, the girl really can't win.
  4. Divisive Princess

    Is there a way to listen to the album commentary that was on spotify? It shows up on the web player, but it's not available to listen to.
  5. I got a ticket for Magic Mike, heels, and a book by the psychic twins.
  6. I don't know if a thread like this has been made already, but I'm really interested in this topic. Also, when I ask this question, I'm not asking how she changed your life. Just a slight difference. Edit: decided to leave my bit out
  7. I don't really think it has THAT much significance. Lana isn't the first to use Del Rey together (Del Rey cars, Marina Del Rey, etc, etc) so she probably just liked the way it sounded. I think I remember her saying before that she liked the way it rolled off the tongue or something to that effect.
  8. Nope, not you I just used the Cola thing as an example to make my point. I was definitely talking about the ones who say she was sexually abused
  9. Just because we know she shot a music video and instagrammed snippets does not make us entitled to get new music immediately. Some of you guys are being really kind of rude with your expectations of her. She hasn't even officially announced HM (the song, and I mean as far as a release date goes) and we don't even have an album date so why are people talking like she's going to drop a single in the middle of the night or something. Also, I don't know that it's fair to call her promo 'messy' when I don't even think she's begun promo. I'm sure the instagram page isn't the only promo she's got lined up. You'd think Lana's been on a 3 year hiatus with the way some are talking.
  10. I feel like y'all are looking too much into. She was probably a 'misunderstood' teen who's strict mom got on her nerves. They're probably fine now based on what they put on social media. You guys are painting a traumatic and disturbing past for her based off of a song and a line from an interview about Pat not liking Cola (and can you blame her as a mother??).
  11. Divisive Princess

    I think earlier on in this thread I had said something mean about her and I'm really regretting that. Since about February I've been obsessed with her and her music. I don't think it would be a reach to say that's she's probably my favorite singer after Lana. I'm glad I've seen the light
  12. I'm not discrediting his work... I actually like his other photos a lot. It was the UV cover that I really didn't like. As far as everything else goes, I really think he captured the era nicely.
  13. I don't want more 'Let's take a photo that looks like it could've been taken with an iPhone, slap some steelfish bold on it, and make it the cover' nonsense.
  14. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? I discovered her in June 2011 when someone I followed on Tumblr reblogged Video Games 2. First song(s)? Video Games 3.what did you think? I wasn't THAT into it. I liked it but I wasn't crazy about it. It wasn't until I heard TIWMUG and OTTR that an obsession was born. 4. Your favourite song(s)? When I say I can't choose, I REALLY can't choose. So many beautiful songs. 5. Least favourite song(s)? Daddy Issues and Guns & Roses 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? Bel-Air 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) I love all of them, but I particularly love the care-free, happy Lizzy Grant era. At the same time, I love that sad-core, vintage-y LDR and the stripped-back, heartfelt May Jailer so I really don't know. 8. Favourite Album(s)? Either BTD or AKA 9. Least favourite(s) ? UV 10. Favourite song preformed live? Video Games. I would probably choose a different song if I had never seen her actually perform it live, but I really had a moment when she sang it at my show. 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Paradise was the first album I actually bought with my own money and didn't torrent. 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? 'I'm that bitch that you can't fuck with' Such a beautiful and heartfelt lyric.
  15. I feel like Lana is trying to trick us into thinking that HM is some slow, brooding song, but I see right through that for the Kill Kill-esque song I know it's going to be.
  16. I loved the first snippet, but when I heard her sing it live, I REALLY loved the part I heard. But this most recent snippet has honestly bored me a little bit. I'm still hoping for a build-up in tempo since the lyrics don't really suggest that it's a sad song. However, I don't think this album will be a bore. If it's true that LIB and MTWBT (which is pretty much a given) is going to be on HM, I think there will be enough balance.
  17. I saw this too and I'm really not sure that they are. I asked the guy that made it where he got the lyrics, and he's yet to reply which seems weird to me. Where would they even come from? No one's heard more than a small part of the song. I do wish we had the rest of the lyrics though
  18. I'm literally obsessed with Hurricane, but I can't seem to get into any of her other songs, which is disappointing. Maybe they'll grow on me, but Hurricane was a favorite at first listen. Hoping the album is good, though!
  19. I was hoping Honeymoon would be fast and upbeat, but I don't even care after hearing the snippet. It's so beautiful.
  20. I honestly really don't like her new haircut. I'm not sure if that's unpopular, but I just don't think it's flattering on her. It seems to age her a bit. Come back, 2012 hairstyles!!
  21. Violet so deserved to win. It seems like out of the top 3, Pearl kind of became the fan favorite, but Ru would've been crazy not to crown Violet. Say what you want about Violet's personality, but she turned out every single look the judges asked for. I can't think of a look of Violet's that I was truly disappointed in. I loved many other queens this season, but Violet truly outshined most of them, so I feel it was a long time coming and I'm really happy for her. Also, I was rooting for Violet waaaaay before this season even started, and I just had a feeling that she would win, so I'm pleased that she proved me right.
  22. This concert was FREEZING. Even Lana was cold (poor thing in that short little dress and heels). Also, I couldn't find my ride we had to walk miles in the freezing rain (I was in heels, too). But it was worth it. Best night ever.
  23. Well that's annoying. They can't tease us like that. I was already working that into my merch budget
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