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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. Pre BTD. I actually found about her through someone who was making fun of her on Tumblr.
  2. This thread caught me off guard for a second because my name is Nina
  3. I'm jealous of you guys for being French. I'm in French 3 at school and I've always wanted a french pen pal
  4. Jade Boudoir, Whiskey Crucifix, Bardot Harlot, Vogue Misery. These all seem likely actually. Huh. Jade Boudoir, Whiskey Crucifix, Bardot Harlot, Vogue Misery. These all seem likely actually. Huh.
  5. The 'people never die in Miami' lyric makes me think of Dexter tbh....
  6. but if it actually had the cd in it, i probably would've shoplifted it tbh
  7. I was about to say something like this. I wasn't too impressed with the snippets, but I listened to the snippets of the songs we already had and even they seemed lame (and I love those songs)
  8. he's literally made so many negative posts in this thread and in the statuses and it gets annoying. even if i despised the song, it really is irritating and that's all i was saying. there's no reason to be repeatedly negative like jfc
  9. you are literally being so negative like you said you didn't like it and we got it the first time. no need to keep reminding people about how much you hate it.
  10. I literally cannot take the people hating on this song rn. It's fine if you don't like the song but let the people that do have their moment. I love the production and the lyrics and the spoken part and just holy shit. One the best parts is the sirens and violins part
  11. knowing lana's street style, there's no telling where the hell she got that jacket, but this and this are very similar. horrific prices though.
  12. i've been looking for this!! thank you!
  13. Could Jim just be Jimmy Gnecco? I know there's been a lot of speculation on whether or not he was actually with her or if he was just a fantasy, but she has sung about him multiple times.
  14. i have those shoes!!! they're literally the exact same ones but I bought mine on clearance for $15 at a designer shoe place so idk where you can actually buy them
  15. I like it... I adore WC, but I was hoping that the other songs wouldn't have that same kind of beachy sound because that would get tired. This sounds new and fresh and I can't wait.
  16. Both of my faves are about to release albums and one's boxset is $150 and the other's is $100 the only option is setting myself on fire.
  17. https://play.spotify.com/user/lanadelreyofficial/playlist/5ezgUjRwk7v2atZxUCIsyS I've never seen anyone say anything about this playlist on Lana's Spotify and I just thought it was odd. Please reply whether or not you've seen it because I feel like I'm going crazy
  18. I don't think the song would be good at all, and I also don't get why people ship them so much. I really don't see their personalities would go together whatsoever. Both are very talented, but.. yeah.
  19. 2 lumps of sugar vs a no limit gift card to your favorite online store
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