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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. Divisive Princess

    Fan Book

    I'm so in! What exactly were you looking for? I def wanna scan a letter to her, but is there anything else I could contribute?
  2. Omg I can't wait. It takes me a long time to get excited about things and I wasn't even that excited until I saw this
  3. omg i thought i was supposed to vote for my favorite (it wouldn't have made a difference tho)
  4. That was hard bc I adore all of those songs
  5. yess i was afraid they were done. i ship them so hard tbh
  6. I live kinda near Chicago and I don't get to go bc I just bought Morrissey tickets and Chicago is expensive I'm very upset
  7. Idk what I even pasted it showed up as blank
  8. The bottom line is this- we can talk about her looks if we want. There's no need to argue over it. Don't like criticizing? Don't participate. It makes no difference whether she's a model and/or a musician, she's in the public eye therefore her image is going to get talked about. Get over it!
  9. Love the hair, not so sure I'm digging the makeup. Overall she looks fine, but she just kind of looks like she got ready in 15 minutes
  10. I want to get 'ldr' really small on the side of my wrist in a really simple font (probs like a typewriter font or something) and get 'moz' in the place on the other side (and when I say the side of my wrist I mean the part that lines up with my thumb.... but on my wrist ya feel)
  11. I had a dream that I went to an amusement park and she sold me my ticket... don't know what that means.
  12. I don't know if this has already been said, but is it possible that Put Me in a Movie is about Mike? I think I remember reading that he was older than her and I know (if I'm thinking of the right guy) that he makes movies. It might be far fetched but idk, it seemed plausible.
  13. I think it might be 'ball' as in speed balls that she mentions in Hollywood? Idk though, I could be wrong
  14. This dress looks exactly like a dress she wore during paradise tour ( I can't remember which one but I think it's number 14 in this picture.
  15. Can she just come to Kansas City already
  16. i think you should just leave them seperate. any other option would just be confusing.
  17. she's got her starbucks in hand while her white iphone hangs out of her pocket... smh
  18. do you think she'll come back to lollapalooza??
  19. what.... is that jimmy? if it is i'm truly confused. assuming that it is, when and where was this and.... idk what's up with this photo? edit: i found the photo on his facebook... but i'm still v curious about almost every aspect of this photo
  20. these lyrics are adorable. they're not deep or anything... they're just cute. they sound more like a diary entry set to music.
  21. wait which angle are you saying is odd? the tropico one or the current one? i'm confused as to whether or not you think she's lost weight
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