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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. These make sense to an extent, but I don't think that they're the case due to some songs from Sirens and from Living Without You.
  2. Everytime Lana does an interview, SOMETHING about it just makes the whole fandom irate.
  3. I hope you remember me like this, smokin' cigarettes in my sundress. / I hope I remember you just like that, looking fresh to death in your ball cap. So many more but I'm lazy.
  4. Yep Do you own a galaxy phone?
  5. Nope Do you own a small breed dog?
  6. I first liked her music before I ever found her beautiful. But now her beauty is part of why I love her. She looks good all done up in photoshoots and when she's in jeans and a baseball cap flipping off paparazzi. Also, her music (and this is going to sound cheesy as hell) really speaks to me. Whether I'm relating to a song or sympathizing with her on songs like TVIB&W. She's got so much variety in her music that you almost can't say that you don't like her because of her genre or because of her style of music; everytime a song leaks I'm AMAZED by the originality of each of them. And besides all that, her lyrics are beautiful. I sometimes feel like she's singing poetry (especially in 'Delicious' ). Another thing is just her. Her personality is just really great and I love watching videos that people put on YouTube of when they met her because she just radiates a genuine niceness towards her fans and even the people that are only there to sell her autographs on ebay. I like her when she's fun (especially her Lizzy days), I like her when she's said (horrible, I know) and I like her when she's just happy. She's like no person I have ever seen ever in my life. She seems so simple and average sometimes, but at the same time she's the most complex person. She has this aura of mystery around her which just sucked me in. So, yeah. I guess that's why I like Lana idk.
  7. Goddamn I love that band omg. My all time favorite song of theirs is 'There is a Light That Never Goes Out'. Plus, Morrissey is so hot that I literally can't stand it, then and now.
  8. They've already renewed this show for a second season. I just finished it today and holy shit. You just really come around to loving the characters. I personally liked Piper bc she wasn't too nice or too mean and you usually get one or the other with main characters. Also, I hope Season 2 focuses more on Daya and Bennett bc I just really liked their relationship and I so badly want to find out what happens with *spoiler alert* their baby.
  9. Pretty much whatever my mom is willing to pay... which I think is a lot because she knows how much it means to me. (I'm not spoiled, but we worked out a Lana deal.)
  10. Does anyone know where I can get the skirt or the shirt she's wearing in this photo?
  11. There's actually only one pair available and I just bought them. Now I feel like a bad person.
  12. So fucking jealous of anyone that got to go. I live in Kansas City and I was SO close to being able to
  13. I can def see this. I didn't realize that her tweets were recent. I'm still a skeptic, but that does make sense. What were the dates on the DMs? It's really hard for me to make out.
  14. I hate to be that person... but how do we know for sure that this is real? There's been several fake screenshots before and the way that his DMs were written (I guess you could say) don't really add up with the way he tweets, as well as other things I've observed about him. Also, even though I'm REALLY not a fan of Bradley AT ALL, I don't think he'd be stupid enough to trust a random LANA fan just because they said 'Yeah, you can trust me." I mean c'mon.
  15. That's really not fair. Addiction is a horrible thing to go through. It's not just doing drugs for fun, it's a disease. Cory had been struggling with addiction since he was 13 and he even checked himself into rehab a couple of months ago. Just because he may have overdosed does not change the fact that he's dead now. Like I said, addiction is a DISEASE. You'd probably have sympathy for someone who died from cancer or AIDS or alzheimers, so why not people struggling with addiction?
  16. My mother would not like this song lmao
  17. I went through almost that whole website and let me tell you, it was an experience.
  18. I AM a fan of Glee (I know) and this was really hard for me. He was always my favorite character and I had a scary amount of pictures of him on my old phone. My condolences go to his friends and family, especially Lea. R.I.P Cory.
  19. Is it bad that I think Lanas weight gain suits her really well?
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