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Everything posted by VegasBaby

  1. Mine didn't either. So annoying.
  2. I don't see how it'd fit into her videos but I would love if she filmed here! Lookin' good Lana.
  3. I personally don't like calling others ugly, he may be a really nice guy. Lana seems to like him. Like someone said on here, I'm sure a lot people on here wouldn't like if someone said 'whats wrong with their face/nose' like that so publicly. Maybe I'm too "PC" then if I don't like calling others ugly. Maybe others don't understand how damaging that word is for others; especially for people who are albino/minorities. Ofc I'm not trying to be mean, it's all your opinions. It just also seems hypocritical to me as a lot of you are angry and annoyed at people calling Lana fat but are calling that random guy ugly.
  4. Lots of people think some things about some Lana fans but it doesn't mean all of Lana's fans are annoying, just like a few annoying fans of Adele's doesn't make the whole fanbase annoying. All I said was that no wonder some people make their minds up about the whole fanbases and think negative things. Of course that's not right but that's what you're doing as well? I dunno how this topic has got onto criticizing some poor guy's nose or Adele, though...
  5. Only because they probably felt that her being called fat was out of order? If someone calls Lana fat or fake, we all defend her. It's all just immature.
  6. My mistake. On another thread, she was. But still.
  7. Are people still bullying Adele in this thread? No wonder why fanbases get a rep, tbh.
  8. Oh yeah, that's true. Everyone should have a Lana nose! I sense a trend forming.
  9. Not everyone has perfect noses.... like Lana.
  10. What about his nose? It doesn't look fake or anything to me..
  11. Mine are:- "Pawn Shop Blues" - Lana Del Rey "Day One" - Explosions in the Sky "Losing My Religion" - R.E.M "We Are The People" - Empire of the Sun "Always Love" - Nada Surf "Joey" - Concrete Blonde "Sultans of Swing" - Dire Straits
  12. I love it. Numbers 5 18 26 28 are my faves.
  13. Eh. Lana's are fine and I admire that she has never had a boob job. She must feel some pressure to but I love that she has the self esteem in that business not to.
  14. No, she's not. Lana has hips, an ass and a more pronounced waist. Kate doesn't have much of a waist at all but she does know how to dress for her body type.
  15. Travis' Where You Stand out in August I think.
  16. Is this gonna be turned into some body shaming thread? Lana's body looks great and normal - should be applauded..
  17. The red/white dichotomy thing...?..Really..? Her body is so hot - she's so real.
  18. Despise is a very strong word. Did she do something personally to you, jw?
  19. Really tho?..I just didn't think they could be compared as they're pretty different and it's dumb how the press always compare female musicians to one another. Huh, well you learn something everyday, then.
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