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Everything posted by VegasBaby

  1. I don't see how it's rude tbh. Unoriginal maybe, yeah. If you get a tattoo, someone somewhere will most probably have a similar one. Like, I really like Lana's tattoo saying "Trust no one" but she didn't make up that saying and lots of people have that tattoo'd on them so I guess that makes Lana also 'unoriginal'.
  2. But it's not like Lana owns the word 'Paradise'? I'm sure she wasn't trying to be rude at all...?
  3. I know that one is on eBay. The seller didn't get anything for it before, iirc? He's probably upping the bids, tbh. So annoying.
  4. Trying to find it also. Frustrating.
  5. Mine does? Why, do you think that's fake?
  6. VegasBaby


    Just a bump for this song because I think it's absolutely beautiful. The lyrics - her voice. Anymore love for Elvis?
  7. I agree with you but sometimes it does sound in Lana's songs that her lyrics are quite...ephephilic, as someone has mentioned on this thread. It's quite common [in popular culture and in society] and it's not just Lana who does that. Maybe she doesn't know she does that and just likes to repeat lyrics?
  8. Perhaps they are referring to songs that she has written previously when she was younger, referring to her younger days in which there many references to older guys taking a liking to her? I don't know. People are just presuming things about her and that's not fair. Trying to stir controversy up again probably.
  9. I think with some people might think the Lolita thing is a bit weird. Must admit before I knew Lana and her Lolita tendancies, I didn't like anything related to it at all because it seemed really creepy. I still get a little creeped about it tbh and have my opinions about it but to do that and write an article about it is just...attention seeking. But I knew when I first listened to Lolita and her references in her songs that some people would have problems with it - as usual..
  10. Can't even with that article. I mean..idek, how random.
  11. That would be a sad (not to mention scary) world if everyone was perfect. Sorry I hope that doesn't sound pedantic or anything! Just my $0.02..
  12. He doesn't 'need' anything? He looks fine/qt to me..
  13. Good ol' Daily Fail. I love these pictures because she looks like she has the same body type as me (when I was a bit skinnier) and I love that we have it in common. Her belly button tho.
  14. That's kind of rude. Towards both of them. She looks so hot.
  15. The person seems a bit condescending tbh. 'Real fans do this/like this or that' 'Fake fans make up like 80% of Lana's fanbase'. I don't believe the MDG thing..
  16. VegasBaby

    Couple Names

    Hundred Dollar Baby
  17. VegasBaby

    Couple Names

  18. VegasBaby

    "The Gay Cure"

    It is but I think I will seriously regret asking that.
  19. VegasBaby

    "The Gay Cure"

    I think it does sometimes because the popularity of yaoi (sp?) but I'm saying that the hypocrisy is annoying. A lot of them seem to think women are lesbians for their sexual gratification and are only doing things to work guys up. It's really sexist and annoying. Then, upon seeing gay guys they claim it's not 'natural' but natural is thinking every woman is here to please you? I kid you not, I've heard a guy say that "no women are lesbians, they just need a good D". No. How about live and let live. How others live their lives (and who they are attracted to) should be of no concern to you really..
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