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Everything posted by VegasBaby

  1. ??? shes got lyrics from other people and talking about 'her baby' and boyfriends in a lot of UV, how is that not filler and how is that depth? btd lyrics are far and away more story telling, entertaining and make more sense (this is what makes us girls, carmen, filler? are you kidding?). uv doesn't even have a 'OTTR' pssh.
  2. she looks hot. thats the only positive about it for me. idek why people stan for this song
  3. hm, gives the impression she can't be fucked i agree
  4. butterflies pt 2 velvet crowbar boarding school (though probably not very radio friendly ) go go dancer
  5. i cant believe anyone would choose uv over btd
  6. hard to choose a least favourite. fave i chose florida kilos, least i chose sad girl
  7. it really really doesnt sound like its about lorde at all.
  8. one of her best in terms of vocals production and lyrics imo (on uv)
  9. i liked kennedy dependency lol
  10. Wrong forum? (Sorry if duplicate post also) but https://www.vfiles.com/ldrgenerator lel
  11. i agree. i think we've learnt not to take everything lana says as all literal but yeah nice to be concerned. but if she was really sick i think she would get help for that pretty quickly
  12. it wouldnt be good since people may still think about her snl thing and make presumptions about her on both of those things - you know how stupidly mislead people can be
  13. i love this    :hair:
  14. man her photoshoots this era have been so boring. beautiful, yes but no concepts or visuals or themes or whatever..
  15. right? come on are we back to slagging lorde off again?
  16. yeah i think shes meaning it tongue in cheek
  17. this is the best song from uv so far afaic
  18. i agree with you. i also think it sounds like WC; which i felt the same about. i dont think UV will be my dig but im glad a lot of people are loving her stuff. i love the sound of BB however
  19. in your country they don't believe that? who really cares about her age tbh i dont think its relevant to her career?
  20. poor child you must have hit your head
  21. i wasnt saying its ~awful~ just that its a bit lazy lol its cool that she likes that lyric enough to use it but i know she can write amazing stuff by her onesome (elvis was all her, my favourite song, amazing lyrics) just sayin yo
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