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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. So the general consensus is that the pre-order is this Friday? This is so exciting. This is my first Lana era to participate in pre-order ahh
  2. Yeah I'm really not buying it. The title Heroin seems out of place on this album. But who knows. Agreed. I mean I agree with some that her idea of being socially aware seems a bit watered down, but I don't see why we should all make fun of her for at least trying new subject matter. We haven't heard the album yet. I know Coachella was pretty lame, but the rest of the album could be great, considering Coachella had a rushed production. Idk, I think Lana always manages to be brilliant in some way, so I'm sure she will come through.
  3. It has felt like such a long time since Honeymoon came out. I hope Lana stans breathe a collective sigh of relief when this album finally comes out. But knowing this board, there will probably be negative stuff regardless. Also, I wonder when the album AFTER Lust For Life will come out? 2018? or... 2019?
  4. Reading this thread makes me so nervous but tbh we have not heard a large majority of the songs in full yet, so idk... just going to be positive
  5. Yes. For me, I feel like Honeymoon is a great album to listen to at night. Particularly past midnight when you're at home and feel kinda melancholy
  6. I didn't like Radio or Dark Paradise (i know wtf) at all. Now I think Radio is decent and I love Dark Paradise.
  7. I don't care about the title. Honestly Lana's tacky titles have a big place in my heart, lol. I'm mostly nervous about the rapping. Just because it's not something that I ever really listen to. But I'm still excited because it's a new Lana song.
  8. this era is perfectly fine but it needs an iconic performance like this
  9. Why are people so critical of a song before they listen to it lol
  10. tbh if I met Lana I would be trying my best to not be annoying, so asking annoying album/song questions sounds like... no...
  11. Everyone looks like a Simpsons character except Lana and Kendall... kind of weird
  12. I'm still hoping that the strawberry symbolizes Strawberry Fields Forever, but it seems like wishful thinking. The American symbols are there because of the political themes that will be in the album (God Bless America ect). The rest, other than what has already been said, is hard to say.
  13. I don't want to unfairly judge Change until I hear it on the album. It sounds really endearing, so I'm excited.
  14. I keep wondering what Anthony Bitchaboutlana-tano is going to think about Lust For Life and if he will give it a score above a 3.
  15. Does anyone have the lyrics on that snippet for Change? I can't make out a few parts.
  16. cherry>roses>white mustang>daisy chains i feel like i have the potential to like daisy chains but that snippet was kind of meh to me
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0zOTbusTww bring back this aesthetic
  18. It's tragic af that Lana is not on Twin Peaks
  19. Yeah I don't get why people on Facebook are complaining when it's an 18 track record. I'm not a rap fan myself but if Lana is doing more songs like that then I could very well become a fan lol
  20. Did she take that coke pic or is it someone elses? because omg
  21. I haven't been here very long, but why are there so many fights here? It's kind of sad, because most of us are here because we're fans of Lana. Her upcoming album is about endorsing love but there's often so little of that here. (this doesn't apply to everyone). I know we are human and make mistakes but it's kind of too much. But it's the internet so... idk... lmao
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