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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. It's not like I hate it... But when the idea of it replacing any other song she might have put in, then that bugs me. It feels like a total filler :c I feel Can't Say No might have fit much better.
  2. OMG, she sounds like a softened Austra, more grunge-y version! Loving her, thanks <3
  3. i JUST CAN'T GET OVER THIS ALBUM. I can replay it over, and over, and over, and over again. and don't get tired. Except for Kristine. Nobody likes Kristine. Why did she keep it?
  4. Deleted User


    Hey, she sounds good... though the music is boring...
  5. Don't download it. It's in 64 kbps. It sounds like shit. Though, I'm DYING at people spreading it via Twitter as a mega link, and it's really Prism renamed. Awesome trolls.
  6. We're just talking about "big" (anticipated) releases that we could witness this year. And what the outcome is, comparing them in terms of satisfaction, if you may. At least that's what I did.
  7. Pure Heroine > Night Time My Time > True Romance > Matangi > Trouble.
  8. Now that my Night Time My Time overdose frenzy is over, I wonder: Which are the tracks we've got available live, but are not near to be released? I Can't Say No, Pretty Dull, I'm Not Alright, and which others?
  9. I've got her 4 albums, piracy funds terrorism, vicki leekz, and a couple of tracks, I thought she'd have more! Searching those right away. Thanks a bunch <3
  10. I'm sorry to stop the Matangi Hype, but I'd LOVE some help/directions on how many demos and unreleased M.I.A. has out there... And I could really use a list or a DL link... Please and thanks a lot in advance :3
  12. I think the highlights of the album are Boys, 24 Hours, Love in Stereo, Ain't Your Right and You're Not the One. The whole album is just mind-blowing, but those 5 should certainly be the singles.
  13. After 3 years of waiting and like 35 listens of the album (I literally played it all day), I can really say I've got this weird feeling I'm proud of someone I didn't even meet, and probably won't ever do either... But it's really that feeling, pride. It's been three years down the line struggling with labels, and gossip, and terms and conditions of the musical industry, that she can finally choose and work on something based on her own money earned by her own work... It's like, it's relatable. I wish the sound was a little more polished, I do, and that the album consisted of 16-17 tracks, whether bonus tracks or not... But I'm not complaining. It's been such a long wait, and it feels personal already. I started "following" this lady back when we both were 17. I even talked to her in her facebook, back in the day she replied to each and every comment... I feel personally related to a couple of things that happened to her too, and her lyrics are crafted in the same way I'd craft them. It feels really personal, it does. It's an amazing album. I'm so thankful to be able to finally hear it.
  14. Deleted User


    Does anyone have a link to spare for "Youth EP " download? It's unreachable in the internet D:
  15. Deleted User


    I LOVE Morning Dreams, Cellophane, Blue Eyes, Anxiety... Her second album is UNBELIEVABLE. Totally underrated
  16. It's unavailable in my country, I'm begging please, I won't spread it. I'm dying.
  17. Omg could someone PLEASE spare me a link?
  18. My fucking situation exactly! I cannot bear this wait anymore, it's been almost THREE FUCKING YEARS.
  19. Gypsy sounds so overdone like each and every one of her ballads. I'm tired.
  20. Deleted User


    I fucking LOVE them. In the Mausoleum, Cliquot (With Owen Pallett <3 <3 <3 <3), The Rip Tide, Santa Fe and my favorite, Postcards from Italy <3
  21. Deleted User


    I fucking love her. I was like so close to making a thread dedicated to her but I thought no one would reply. I guess I was wrong! I found her out when Mademoiselle Juliette came out, and I fell in love. though, Gourmandises is deffo her best album. It's so timeless.. BTW, she and Yelle are the main reasons I started studying french :3
  22. Can I please get a link to the unreleased tracks please? <3
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