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Cinnamon Girl

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Girl

  1. thats amazing!!! you got so much stuff signed! that show really looked like it was incredible, im so happy for you!
  2. honestly, i can jam to dum dum
  3. "lanadelrey likes your post"
  4. i feel like there has got to be more to the interview
  5. number 9!! but still no airplay near me atleast
  6. is it just me or are the black shoes she has been wearing the same ones from itunes festival?
  7. whatt upppp, US beating the UK #cometoamericalana
  8. nahhh im good, ive been on the forum long enough to know that you'd win
  9. if lana is only "possibly top 5" then may i ask why you are on lanaboards??
  10. who knows if this has been addressed before, but i was really curious earlier today, has lana ever specifically mentioned TIWMUG in a interview? i know she talks bout btd as describing her "dark days" but i want a tell all interview about this song. is there such a thing?
  11. (if that happened) **Gatsby tour...lana doesnt play yayo**
  12. i think we all need to be a fan of the movie cause chuck is friends with ashley benzo
  13. Cinnamon Girl

    USA Tour?

    whooo wants to drive to chicago from DC with me??
  14. Cinnamon Girl

    USA Tour?

    fingers crossed she was kidding
  15. Cinnamon Girl

    USA Tour?

    do we know which day she will perform?
  16. only woman in the world that can pull off lizards in her hair
  17. is it just me or are her lips deflating? (lack of a better word)
  18. can someone translate the article!? she is complete perfection but i gotta say, not a huge fan of the short hair
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