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Everything posted by Rockwell

  1. Half of the people here make me want to scratch my eyes out but then they probably think the same about me lol
  2. Nope read the caption
  3. I don't think so in the caption she said she wrote it spontaneously that day so I doubt it as that stage of production is obviously over by now
  4. I'm waiting for another one, maybe she'll bring the posting three at a time theme back
  5. Insta vid was cute but I shat myself thinking it was the track list
  6. Rockwell

    David Bowie

    Honestly and shamefully, my first real listen to Bowie with the intention of listening was after his death, once all the upscale tributes started circling around- gaga's especially stood out to me. Although I haven't gone into much depth into his albums I've loved every song that I've heard, fashion, space Oddity and rebel rebel being my number 1's- I think he rands out to me for the same reason that Lana does, versatility and originality
  7. I don't think they've been alive for the last month... lol
  8. Of course not she'll make us wait for another month to let more of us fall into depression first lol
  9. I go to see a movie for two hours and a shitstorm occurs pmsl- tbh I find the people whining and telling others to stop bitching just as irrelevent let's all just stfu until something of interest happens.
  10. Shtopppp there quite a big chance, she's been twice before, a verified twitter radio account says it's happening- I wouldn't doubt it
  11. Sorryyy I just don't keep up to date on BBC 2's every move it's not exactly the life of the party when it comes to channels lol
  12. Just checked it airs on Tuesdays and Fridays, next Tuesdays performers have already been confirmed so she could be next Friday which would make sense for new music
  13. That's from 2015, is we know the show is legit atleast and there's a chance of her returning I had a heart attack when she posted
  14. Someone check whether the other posts about other shows from the guy has been accurate
  15. The guy who's show it is often takes three singers and they all perform so the third guy is another singer and the other act will be the collab hopefully, I remember ed sheeran went on not too Long ago
  16. The thing is that I'm the UK it's already 9 PM, the time in Portugal (the language was Portuguese) is the same as here- so either it's in US time or it's incorrect
  17. Jools Hoagland is a host on BBC radio in U.K. Sometimes I'm pretty sure...
  18. WOAHHHH WAIT THE TRANSLATION IS.. "Are they ready for the bomb? @theweeknd @LanaDelRey @ tompeterodell will be in the "Later Witth Jools Holland" today? Let's check it out at 8.30!"
  19. Born to die 24 Blue jeans 26 National anthem 42 Ride 42 TROPICO 32 Shades of cool 47 Love 20
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