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Everything posted by Rockwell

  1. I want 14 but I feel it's too optimistic and I don't want to disappoint myself lol
  2. Ride 30 Gods And monsters 60
  3. Born To Die 20 Blue Jeans 24 National Anthem 45 Ride 43 TROPICO 36 Shades Of Cool 47 LOVE 19
  4. Shush I'm trying to pray for you to gain sanity.
  5. Oh thank you so much I never realised you were making an example of me woah. Listen thank god for the fact your done because your every word was really making me ready to slit my own wrists thank though
  6. Jeff was everyone's best friend he was everyone's g like why Sheri why would you do such a thingWE WERE ROUTING FOR YOU SHERI WE WERE ALL ROUTING FOR YOU
  7. She's gone all spiritual on us smh. Let's just stop Ye I'm bored of it.
  8. i swear they've both become even more annoying as it goes on.
  9. Yh I'm wondering just how 'condensed' it was- it would be cool if there was some big surprise in the real issue
  10. I'm surprised that fine china is number 1, lyrically it's the strongest but her voice in say yes to heaven is killerrrr
  11. Three actually she has writing credits and does a little cameo at the end of his single party monster she's the one at the end who's singing paranoid like a queen
  12. It Dosent matter he's big enough that his name will get it in the top 10 in the U.K. Atleast, think about it he's girlfriend is the highest followed person on instagram, and they didn't even promote Love that majorly it was more of a taster of the album then a lead in my opinion it was rushed because of the leaks
  13. Alright even if you HATE him think of it this way, he charts as number 1 with every single- he'll help Lana do the same with this it'll draw even more attention to her. I know she Dosent give a fuck about sales, something I love about her, but it'll allow her to make future projects more high budget, better videos etc so if you can't bare to think of the sound think of what it'll do for her
  14. I was hoping no one would realise, I'm trying to stop the gays from having a meltdown over a song they haven't heard yet loll
  15. I think they're talking about Britney for some reason As someone said earlier it's likely to be both of them singing the chorus together like Prisoner.
  16. Now I understand what you mean abit better, on his own tracks his vocals seem abit OTT, hopefully with him being a feature she'll reign him in a little so it'll fit better- Id like more of a Party Monster esque feature where he'd only provide singular vocals and words to add to her section like she did with him for that song.
  17. I disagree with you saying that Abel and Lanas voice don't go well together, prisoner was there first collab and truly was abit iffy but I feel they grew with stargirl and honestly if every track on the album sounded just a little like that I would devote life to the woman lol sean I'm not so sure about I think I agree with you there.
  18. I love how she truly didn't give a fuck when she spoke about radio and selling success, she truly beleives that if the record is what she wants she's been successful and I love that- it gives me hope that she will never stop producing music. As she said it's in her and it's all she can focus on doing
  19. Her management said in an interview a few though, and in different countries the meaning changes in the U.K. A couple fluctuates from two to three and a few goes three onwards until it becomes serveral after like 5
  20. This video is killing me omd https://mobile.twitter.com/musicnews_feed/status/854246581847150592
  21. The magazine versions longer anyway so the people that buy it get more stuff atleast lol it said at the bottom of the page that the interview has been condensed from the magazine version
  22. My hypes built up if anything I love the weeknd he's an artist that can actually sing unlike all the Katy's lol Lennon I'm not so sure about but it'll make buzz just for being ICONICC
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