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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Damn. Still want to wait but am feeling it’s almost pointless if I’m still coming on here. Being a Lana fan sucks, man.
  2. Hanging out on this site for the next 24 days is going to be miserable as hell. Are these leaks even in HQ or does it sound like shit?
  3. Yeah I remember that happening with Love. Even if the album release was two weeks away, that would be fine… but these tracks leaking almost a month before release. What a fucking mess. All the fun is getting spoiled. So annoyed with Miley at the moment for supposedly ruining all this in the first place.
  4. Are they snippets or full songs? Either way, I truly feel she should just release the album either this week or next. The 24th is way too far away for songs that are already circulating it’s hard not to click on those spoilers. I do want to avoid listening though. Ughhhh frustrated
  5. Used to love them in high school and practically wore out my Becoming X cd. Classic
  6. Glad to see fellow Tori fans here; I’ve been a stan of hers since high school. Scarlet’s Walk is a fucking masterpiece, as are the rest of her albums before it. When I first heard Blue Jeans in 2012, my first thought was, “Wow, this is kind of Tori-ish, nobody does that these days.” I wonder if Lana was inspired by her at all.
  7. I really like it. His playing style kind of reminds me a little of Ludovico Einaudi. It’s relaxing. I’m gonna preorder the album when I get paid next. Hope the red vinyls don’t sell out but they probably will :-/
  8. We won. I love ocean themed music (and I love yacht rock) and I love piano. This has to be good!!
  9. If they still have the jacket in stock next week, I will try to get it. My bf will really side eye my life choices :-/ he doesn’t get it lol That’s why I took the plunge and got it anyway, even though I’m going to be seriously scraping by big time for a week after paying rent. Being a Lana fan is hard
  10. Is there a US discount? If I cancel my order and use the discount, will it put the money back in my account regarding my cancelled order? Can’t have too many things at once coming out..
  11. I got a necklace even though I am broke as fuck and saving for rent on the 1st…I want the lighter but I quit smoking in 2019 thank god
  12. I’ve been reading posts on Instagram where people are saying Caroline is just a low rent Imogen Heap. Like yeah they sound alike but honestly, I think Caroline has the better voice. They’re both good but there’s something magical about what Caroline does with her voice and music. Butterfly Net is so fucking amazing
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