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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. I got Soko's first album like a couple months ago. Her feature on Theophilus London's album is so nice. Other than her look I don't think she's like Sky at all.
  2. Oh I have? LmaoI'm still working from my iPhone, but I won't forget to send it when I can.
  3. The Soundcloud link is in the post I tagged you in. You gays nd ur gifs
  4. http://instagram.com/p/zf5_K0uFHp/ https://soundcloud.com/xylo100/america1 @@National Anthem @@SitarHero @ @ @@Born To Die @@heartbreakhigh @@iseeyouupsidedown @@Sucker @@Jack
  5. Lol, Lana was not named after Lana.I seen on tumblr that it's supposedly confirmed that Gaga will have a leading role.
  6. Ugh I still havent listened to the album other than that one time when it first leaked, so I'm excited about the release!
  7. Cool. AHS is fighting so hard to stay relevant lol.
  8. America is on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/america-single/id968402600
  9. I listened to Born This Way from start to finish last night for the first time in forever. I was so obsessed with this album for a good year and a half after it was released. I wonder how I just stopped listening to it, it's really good. I was such a big Gaga fan before Marina and Lana lol.
  10. Seriously that was amazing.
  11. "America" will be released tomorrow!
  12. A bunch of the label has a showcase at SXSW this March!
  13. comeintomybedroom


    I'm using it for the outtakes/demos. I don't like the text on her arm though :\
  14. Someone should gift me Drop That Kitty t o b e h o n e s t
  15. comeintomybedroom


    Exactly, I just seen that.
  16. comeintomybedroom


    I love Autotune Baby.
  17. I still love Oracular Spectacular to this day. Congratulations wasn't great, after all this time there are no songs I actually genuinely like. Their latest album sucked to me. I've listened to it like 4 times and I don't like it.
  18. comeintomybedroom


    The demos that are must-have in my opinion are Wash All Over Me, Addicted, Veni Vidi Vici, Inside Out, Rebel Heart, and Iconic, if you even plan on giving them a chance. But they might not impress you since you have already heard the album.
  19. comeintomybedroom


    S.E.X. and the two acoustics were the last actual Rebel Heart demos I downloaded. I tried to delete the demos of all the songs on the final tracklist like SitarHero, but I can't I've grown too attached to some. I have no interest in getting them. Score is no worst than Take You Out by Gaga, and I actually like Take It Back. We just have snippets of La Isla Bonita Dubplate, right?
  20. I thought "redoing" meant like rerecording or reworking or something but it's my favorite song of his either way. I love the video.
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