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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. Stop comparing Sucker to True Romance. Just shut up lol.
  2. I think "Die Tonight" is more Boom Clappy. "Doing It" is like the Take My Hand of this album.
  3. Wait what's the next single?
  4. It got taken down! Do you have it?
  5. Sure, I'll download and keep it 'til i crack and listen. Thanks.
  6. Is it explicit? I really wanna wait but it was just so good.
  7. comeintomybedroom


    "Not All Love Songs Have To Be So Sad" is the three song collaboration EP she did with NanosauR that was released earlier this year. I'm sure she did Bittersweet July parts 1 & 2 together after doing NALSHTBSS.
  8. I love it so much! Die Tonight is probably my least favorite. I'm trying to refrain from listening to it again 'til the release.
  9. Sucker (track) even sounds fine with the bleeps lol. Giving Government Hooker teas. Doing It is so perfect.
  10. comeintomybedroom


    Sis, she's been inactive for two years. Two 5-track EPs and one 3-track EP, only 13 songs, is not rushed at all.
  11. Yes! I knew i'd love it! I can't stop smiling!
  12. Like omgitsandrew said, the whole album will probably be streamed this week. True Romance was streamed on like Pitchfork a few days before I think.
  13. do you not think i woulda posted way more about it on here if i went? don't @ me.
  14. Avoided downloading/listening more than twice, because I wanted to wait for the whole album, but whatever. Thanks though! Right. Chill.
  15. Wow I haven't heard this. https://soundcloud.com/erikhassle/innocence-lost-ft-tinashe
  16. Didn't someone say Seronja means like 'asshole' in another language or something? It's kinda along the lines of 'SUCKER'. Mow The Lawn always made me think of a bushy female pubic region lmao.
  17. Tinashe is queen. Heard of him of course, I live in the Central Valley of California, but I never looked into him.
  18. No shade towards you personally but no one cares lol
  19. I don't really care for Die Tonight but Famous and Caught In The Middle are really good.
  20. He's only listed as a feature on the clean version, which iTunes radio only plays clean versions.
  21. Idk Famous is giving me so much life right now. Caught In The Middle is nice too. I haven't listened to Die Tonight/Hangin Around.
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