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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. i kinda also wanted to say, for what the rest of the world sorta worships of the male ego/ destruction and dominating ie negative parts of divine masc. lana's a kind of solace and haven for things that people might not wanna talk about. unpop opinion and maybe possible *trigger warning* but there are difficult conversations that need and should be had about mental health, and this track's in a way, a kind of breath of fresh air of singing something similar/ around that. normally, it's kinda too quick to be talking about that, but sim to BTD's counter approach to songwriting from empowering pop, she makes being vulnerable be ok. there's a poetry in how some of her songs can sound melancholy, but in a way, it can also be liberating and consoling from a relative pov. this song's magic, and it's making me fall in love with her as an artist all over again.
  2. i'm still taking in the song/ processing but from listening, there's a similarity to IYLDWM at the intro thematically, it's like a thinner cold air sister track to Hope has that airy feel/ atmosphere like bb's title track there's an anthemic quality that's reminiscent to a race, sim to BTD fuck me to death just intuitively feels like paradise camarillo ref makes me think of yayo themes of self-consoling, acceptance, tiredness, tired longing the vocal run towards the end reminding me of mariah what i love about it that i can grasp into words atm is the fluttering quality of the song (hiab ref in feel), but just the honesty that makes it's way thru despite apparent bleakness the song sets. the vulnerability after a quest's been completed, or like a drive back home after a long period
  3. i wanna look into it but i also wanna feel the album as it is first before checking that possible ref
  4. she's an artist, she's a person. and yes, industry wise, i get why people might have motivations to raise her stuff, but it kinda just puts me off a bit if it's too much. she's a human being, not a commodity, idk since when her art's been reflecting that, but take her as she is, isn't that the beauty of enjoying someone, as they are? why ask them to change themselves for ur benefit? bc of numbers? kinda weird imo
  5. i'll never understand why people are kinda obsessed w her streaming figs. i mean maybe if u were a lana fan from yesterday, and as talented as she is, she's never really cared about all that stuff so why's she gonna do it now? it just doesn't seem her style
  6. i was thinking about lavender and burgundy and a lite green i had no idea she'd be announcing physicals even. pink and hot pink and a lite green? i'm like thinking did i reach that level of gay? being in tune w colors like that? i dunno but they're all so pretty
  7. i just honestly felt the need to actually say, the talent, the art, the beauty and form the spirit of Lana Del Rey. THE ART, you propel the world and make it a much more beautiful place
  8. I honestly have no idea but i kinda wanna get all the covers this time so i got one
  9. Do u guys think she’ll be signing stuff? I dont wanna get anything yet if she is.
  10. i'm sorry but this song hits fuckin different when u've been spent if u know u fucking know but u know fucking what fuck all that let's get better vibes girl let's go more fire more light more love we'll ride it like the wind now's not the time to give up u better get ur turn u manifest that u CLAIM THAT TURN. THAT TURN? THAT'S FOR U U GET THAT TURN AND ALL OF YA'S WE'RE GETTING OUR TURNS if that's what u wanted CLAIM THAT IT'S YOURS
  11. getting fucked up waiting for love vulnerability the multilayers of refs and meanings the need for comfort whilst familiarity and during the holiday season? u better win queen.
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