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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. when it doubt keep it very simple i vibe w that we vibe w that still manifesting she bends some spoons w her mind
  2. Ok no but see. Horror Lana is a viiiiibeeeee I hope she bends fucking spoons in her next music video
  3. surprised no one's said psychic witchy vibes yet
  4. This album does so much to quell nfr’s chaos. It’s a centering anguish and a hidden safe place.
  5. So this might be far reaching and ive said this time and time again but what I’m excited for, for the next record is her really blossoming and following the steps of dtwd and violets for roses. when u look at the progression of her work, she’s stripped away a lot and has gotten more and more grounded and comfortable w creating her sound. Personally, i’m real hesitant w how happiness can be expressed, but I’m hoping that we get to see more careful glimpses of it. I’m gonna manifest later it just feels a bit too soon
  6. This is the spec thread but following the convo in how beautiful, poignant and deep blue banisters really is. Not to say her prev. work isnt but this record just covers so much, so well and so beautifully. It’s so powerful in how the record does a lot and shows a lot of human development and growth that not a lot of people even look into and then u have the atmosphere and the layers behind it and how it brings it more to life
  7. It’s not about topping tracks ya’ll it’s about broadening the ways of how one enjoys the music and so on and I’m sure she’ll definitely have more and more tracks that’ll perfectly do just that. Just gotta tune in *hums white dress* but i really do love white dress I’m really hoping we do get that cover album, her poetry first before the next one. Blue Banisters seems like an album worthy of being simmered into
  8. I’m sticking to my original theory in how itd be great for her to continue doing covers to keep a low profile but still be consistent enough towards another record. Blue Banisters still seems so fresh to me and will probably stay that way for a long while mmm hmmm mm Oklahoooooma
  9. i think ur sweet like beaches leavin me sandy watercolor eyes ha ha watercolor aaahhh haaa heeeyyees
  11. i love flu voice, it gives pop sexy.
  12. i feel like when u get rite down to the heart of it, the woman's been creating music in a way that takes u out of the banality of life, to then enjoying life for what it is. and most importantly, caring for it and knowing the importance of being where you are rn and honoring it. if u take out the veil of entitlement that a lot of people see her thru, you'll realize even more that she's been doin this for a long time under the radar. waaaaay before it was trendy. they don't really care, they just wanna be entertained, so her detractors find ways to weasel themselves in disgracefully. time'll prove again and again how her music and artistry is a caring message. they just don't know how to properly appreciate her. so it's really more on them. i feel like if ur gonna criticize someone, at least make it interesting constructive, and most importantly, be self-aware enough to not look like a total ass/ understand ur role in the equation for at least the principle of it. otherwise ur just complaining which is a waste of everyone's time. oh and also down for Rob being more involved on the piano. I hope he gets some kind of magazine spread bwahahahahahaha
  13. Nah I feel that but still more empowerment to u
  14. Lol u know it’s bad when DCooper’s telling u off
  15. we're having all these heartfelt convos and recollections w the record and Lana's like: ICONIC!
  16. i honestly think her underboob moment was response to today. she said, it was born to die, but now, it's born to nourish. that's growth!
  17. we need another bathtub video moment
  18. we love when an underdog wins even if the rest all just lies about it
  19. all this BTD appreciation is just so satisfying. what a glorious shift incredibly happy that time's giving her the recognition she DESERVES we love you miss Lana
  20. diet mountain dew bb new york city can we hit it now low down n gritty do u think we'll b in luv fer' ever do u think we'll be in love
  21. i still remember getting my first job taking buses from the city and out to back and walking legit in the middle of nowhere in the heat for an interview. wearing my now thrown out worn out brown boots in the fucking heat listening to TIWMUG it was so driving at the time among other stuff but this record ultimately made me realize that i wanted more out of life. Happy birthday Born To Die 💙
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