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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. White Hot Forever sounds like: drugs n rock'n roll. classic, soft. Hippie kinky discooo, nd orgasms. Lots of steam. mm yeah but. I wonder what it's gonna be like, situationally. Hope's a really difficult track to follow imo, nd I wanna know how the opening track already starts. Enjoying NFR like fucking crazy still tho, bc it came out, like a few weeks ago lmao
  2. OHHHHHHHHH I'll pick u uuuuuuuuuup if u come back to Antartica u should just hit meeee uuuuuuhp
  3. I always loved HiaB, but thought this was real important to highlight.
  4. Mailmen have A LOT of power imo lmao but yes!!! Ok I'm so glad, like, ok bc no bc I know that the checkered version's gonna be like an official release version, so it's like having both versions can't waaaaaait ah, treasure that, it'll probably a good collector's item. It's like getting a diff version of the record and I'm ecstatic rn
  5. Biiiiiiiitch. YES. Does it have the audio of Jack at the end of Hiadt??
  6. Mm same. I think we’ve still got the title track’s video, and idk if she ever did a rehash for the hiab vid or if she was just referencing Chick’s work again. We’ve got her tour coming up soon, so hat should carry us over to the holidays til like next year. A year’s fucking long tho as we all know
  7. Ok not to harpoon the rankings and shit, but can we talk about how mature and how much growth this record displays? Like myGAWD. I'm amazed. Like it, seems real emotionally charged, but when u listen to everything, and just how fucking sturdy the songs' messages are? And what they mean, and what they don't mean, it's like fuck. How To Disappear highlights that imo
  8. U dont choose the items, the items choose u I love 1day shipping ah
  9. They have surprisingly good ice cream there too imo, gimme that pistachiioooooo
  10. But u already have all the colgate u need? Not helping maaaaan ah
  11. Someone stop me, I'm about to spend money, dk how much but it's happening
  12. I'm a guy, so maybe that might be a better thing, but we'll see thank you! Also, where can I check what's still there or not, website-wise? edit: got it, thanks
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