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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. this morning. those piano keys? wow. Last time u made someone smile?
  2. Hoping she follows through the veins of "Freak" w this one. Diff to guess how things'll b since it's so early and not many details imo
  3. GIVE ME DISCO FEVER, GIVE ME GROOVY BB, SOFT ROCK? vinyl in an orange variant pls!
  4. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 (+) Mariners Apartment Complex - 9 Venice Bitch - 10 Fuck it I Love You -10 Doin' Time - 9 (-) Love Song - 9 Cinnamon Girl - 10 How to Disappear - 10 California - 11 The Next Best American Record - 10 The Greatest - 9 Bartender - 11 Happiness is a Butterfly - 10 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 9
  5. really tho- Me too. it's fucking beautiful. second verse gets me everytime. The cool, yet cinematic opening. it's so breezy, the piano, the context?? how it just all flows so effortlessly? it's like watching water fucking sparkle and flicker in the sun, clean wispy curtains dancing by the fucking sea? how simple and forward it is? that songs like fucking soft and beautiful like water. it's like a fucking passing DREAM get u a norman fucking rockwell. shit. GAHHAWD
  6. I'm in love with the title track. So fucking much, god. I just wanna fucking sing it 2 someone, lit disney vaping princess fucking swear in my fucking feeeelz ok imma stop lol
  7. Oh awww but hm well congrats!! Idk if u like those versions, but I have a feeling those versions are gonna be real sought out by collectors in the long run, have fun w em! and no idk too. I'm waiting for the physical that I'm getting from a ticket purchase, the checkered neon vinyl, and urban's pink vinyl atm. I might visit the music shop and get one, but I really don't have to. Has anyone been to Lana's surf shop? I kinda wanna go, but I'm too nervous to go alone, nd I don't have anything current for her to sign, if she's even there, if she's even signing stuff would been perfect to go w someone bc I know they'll like the area too, but stuff I get it Edit: I'm being a little bitch, imma go this weekend or something, fingers crossed
  8. Whoa whoa whoa. Sorry bc I love those versions too, from where did ya get it, and which continent if thats not too much to ask?
  9. Hahahahahahaha oh fuck I forgot itunes keeps track wahahahahahahaha ive been streaming it since like, the hq leak so ive listened to it for a good amount too
  10. Im still like drowned in this album too much, but I just wanted to say the title tracks fucking lovely I cried and does anyone get sadder when they listen to TNBAR nd California? Like it's feigning some shit to party to cover up hurt n stuff
  11. I'm real happy that shes excited and doesnt wanna stop w music, not just bc we're gonna b able to listen to all of it when she decides to release it, but. I'm glad that shes in a happier place, at least career wise. It almost offsets how sad NFR is, and that takes away some of my worry. That being said, still wanna drown in this record, so so MUCH and imma do just that. Thanks Lana I think they might b, the urban version's gonna ship on the 5th and it peeves me, bc i could just drive and pick one up today in store. :/
  12. "U talk to the walls when the party gets bored of you, but I don't get bored, I just see it through, why wait for the best, when I can have you ??" FUUUUUUUUUUCK
  13. The title track is fucking perfect. She sounds like a wise disney princess Mac, abrupt key changes remind me of waves crashing, Venice still so beautiful, those little sax cameos Fiily, favorite summer BOP, the verses on neon still get me, how well the beat goes w her backing vocals DT’s a great palette cleanser LOVE SONG makes me cry, she sounds like she just cried tf Cinnamon Girl’s the mystifying hoe track we needed, that outro makes me feel like I'm about to b abducted HtD seems to always be forgotten, but those guitars, I’m always gon to b right heee re California, her tone, those piano keys by the second verse, the low chorus TNBAR, she got w her artist bf, they pulled it off The Greatest, the warmest track of the record Bartender, the piano during the prechoruses are EVERYTHING HiaB, I just wanna dance- dance w ya Hope, was looking for the dialogue after? Softly strong and triumphant Imma blissfully fall asleep to this record
  14. if we don't see ya at the post release thread, we'll just assume ya heard California in all it's hq glory
  15. WTF ! I'm honored tf???? Ohmygawd !! Ahhhh ~ !! Yeah, no bigs!! I actually love convos like these too, so we're all good hahahahahahaha. and I will!! Still hasn't hit me fully yet, but I'm inching my way towards that and I get happy anxious? Idk lol, but no. I get you though, always a lot going on, but at least we have something to direct some of that towards that with the music even if some of it's coming from it lol, it's funny how that works imo. Judgment-free zone, anytime k? ) Like I mean, jokes n shit, but for the most part yeah and I know it's so fucking close ohmyGOD ahhhhhhh hahahahahahahaha!!! and pshh yeah! Like, we're all here and everything, and it's really great to just be able to spazz about this as much as we can hahahahahahahaha See ya at the post-release thread have fun on ur adventures too!
  16. I think genuinely, being w/o hope can be a terrible place to even entertain or be. Like yeah, even recessionally
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