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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. BAR putting on her bathing suit bc it's hot in Topanga tonite
  2. I get u. I haven't really listened to the whole thing, not even in order bc former statement. But I guess, for me, it hasn't really hit me yet. FIILY's demo slaps tho random factoid. I personally kinda like it tho? There's like a sense of longing about the tracks that i've listened to, and rn, I guess some songs already hit me emotionally just bc, so atm I'm kinda glad that it feels unfinished bc I'm sorta living some tracks from it right now, and I don't want it to end.. like fuck, pls fuck no
  3. So one sec, gen, which version of FIILY made the vinyls? Bc I'm kinda digging the version we got today.. They're both so good fuck Ur not alone ahhhhhhhh
  4. Whoa bitch, HTD's actually pretty great. erase that ah - California n Cinnamon's great tho agreed
  5. HTD is a cool grounded, kaleidescopic hippie's dream, but make the setting maritime
  6. The saloon typa piano at the back, by the second verse? the drunken heavy vocals, that simple ass but effective beat? CRAZY LOVE? WHY'D I HAVE TO FUCKIN LISTEN we'll do whatever u want, travel wherever how far, we'll hit up all the old places. WE'LL HAVE A PARTY, we'll dance til dawn?? throw a party, all night LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ?? ! ? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH I'll pick u up catch u on THE FLIPSIDE U SHOULD JUST HIT ME UP u don't ever have to go faster than ur fastest pace . .. .
  7. California's basically an incredible ode to picking someone up at the airport, but then having to drive them back.
  8. Oh FUCK. I haven't listened yet, but I'm guessing that it's emotionally wrecking? Sorry maaaaaaaaaan. Sing it past the FUCKING ROOFTOPS
  9. I'm doing my best to b a good hunty 'Ixo, sorry I skipped the tracks, but I agree w u, from the start too. California slaps. HiaB. I haven't listened to Love Song yet bc- idk I feel like I'm not ready to hear it just yet. That's all I can read ahhhhhhh but hope ur ok
  10. Stream Juicy, we STAN JUICY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r52KqG4G678
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