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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Fuck my imagination for a moment I NEED TO KNOW WHAT SHE MEANS FOR LOVE SONG VISUALLY
  2. Mm maybe i mean when i really like a piece of clothing, i usually get two of it, jus tin case one gets ruined. That or i like how one size looks in feel to the outfit, and another for casual dress maybe she really likes the dress ‍♂
  3. this post, ur username. The synergy like wow ur soul's just potent here
  4. Charmbracelet is underrated
  5. Semi-abstract thoughts- Title track: soft like water, silk mhm yep MAC: oh yeah kumbayah moment Venice: POWERFUL FIILY: that SYNTH, how magically dance-able it is, amidst how sad the song can b. DT: iced tea, air conditioning shaded open cafe by the sea, bright reggae colors off of swimsuits. tans Love song: vines on this majestic bridge I used to walk down to get home to. sunset, sunrise for atmosphere. Cinnamon Girl: dancing under the influence HtD: silhouettes and golden gleaming ocean waves California: the rush down the Hollywood strip at night, that sense of reality sort of blurring, but u ride the rush TNBAR: honestly, lit pools, night swimming TG: Niagara Falls Bartender: when ur driving the highway at night, the white and red gemstones that ya see from opposing sides of traffic HiaB: the color orange, smoky skies and contrasting pewter tones from stone. Egg yolk sun, arms waving HIADT: Looking out from the glass on ur window during the day vibes. lights aren't on so the outside scenery from the inside looks like a bright hallucination.
  6. If u stay, I'll stay ey yeah uh yaahh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bai4lu6SUjk
  7. B FESTIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GGd6G9wudc
  8. I want to say she's at least aware of how these work. and maybe knowing that, she doesn't really care as much, knowing the academy'll just choose who they want? I think, it's been obvious that Lana makes music for the fucks of it, which is amazingly admirable. Tbh, I'm not really all that sure how things'll change whether or not she'll get the award. She's just been constantly making quality music so if anything, I don't see what difference it'd make, not even to be dismissive. We already know she's a particular sort of taste when it comes to the people dis/liking her music image etc. I don't think that'll change anytime soon regardless. quick fact, is that she's never really not done anything that wasn't who she was, and gut feeling, from like a collective perspective, Lana and the grammy mentally seem to b two different axes that might only cross at 0. Her impact's incredibly like, behind a lot of the work that's been popping up these days, the aesthetics, the sounds even, so I get the kind of validation others would love for her to have, but it's also just very Lana to swim in and out of that. In a weird way, I think, that's how she continues to keep everyone's attention. She'll never really be overexposed, while still slowly garnering a real sold fanbase. If I were an artist of her caliber, I'd be incredibly happy being at that kind of midpoint. I guess since we've been talking about it. Do u think a grammy might affect, or have some kind of influence on her artistry? It's weird, but at the back of my head, it's like I'm thinking if she does receive the award, a possibility of her going country seems all the more feasible? Anyone catching my thought current lol
  9. Ok but can we please get more vibes like these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NFY_PR-kyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eJkETkfdSg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir1tMjvMAWI
  10. Honestly I think the reason why I love her music is bc she makes being alone feel and sound so fulfilling. Me & The Rhythm is EVERYTHING
  11. I mean I know she starred in a movie, but I just miss this rah rah bitch and her theatrics. Wya Gagaaaaaaaaa
  12. Do u think she wears her pink fringe wig while she’s on espionage missions. But also, get those Carmen San Diego vibes Lanaaaaaaaaaaa
  13. I had this young crush on a guy that looked a lot like Antonoff, no, like better so I think he's cute. But I'm still not hopping on the daddy bandwagon lmaooooo I can see how others might think he's attractive, like maybe he has a hidden kink or two, or its hot when he takes charge bc he looks so innocent but hm, not for me to read so- Eyo he did well on the track tho hm
  14. I kinda like thinking that each opener's a gateway. So. BtD: Dark alley bars, backstage fitting rooms, the blinding light that hits u when the spotlights on you Paradise: Sunsets, and the horizon if that makes any sense UV: for me, this weird tunnel in the city that turns all psychedelic at night bc of the lights coming in and out of it HM: A secret garden, or some type of old Hollywood flick LFL: Into the past NFR: Heaven
  15. The title track's fucking timeless. Go to the airport. Get on a plane, the intro reminds me so much of it and the feeling of soaring as you go up in the air, literally. Clouds, set on blue skies, sunlight from the day, the blinding sunbeams, but there's still this kind of sadness bc ur leaving the airport from the ones u love, from all types of love-sense. The ocean sparkling below if ur lucky via route/timing whatever The piano literally sounds like it's rolling. I still get fucking visions of fine china, and horses galloping across streams, making the water dance like droplets. water droplets imitating gemstones in the air mid-flight That opening line. both lines that start the choruses. The patience it has. How beautiful it all sounds, yet how it's never in your face. I'm honestly gay, but this track reminds me, quality wise, of the love of how usually women/feminine guys do. and how it just envelops you, but leaves as it ends, leaving you fucking confused after you realized that you let it get away. This track's a beautiful ghost, it reminds you of the one who got away. I'm sure we've all at least had that feeling where we had to leave when we still didn't want to, or was left to getting confused until the slow burn reached u a day. that's what this song is. it's a fucking echo of someone's love that ran out bc someone couldn't appreciate it. There's nothing as standout about it, from pieces, nothing too showy, or shiny. but put it together, it's what or who you miss. and it fucks you up. it's like, it's like it calls on a different kind of subconscious or intuition foresight, even (?) to be appreciated properly. The horns at the end signal that departure, it's probably the most obvious in your face aspect of the track imo. But it's still so beautifully, juxtaposedly soft. Don't get me wrong, The greatest is AMAZING. But it still relies on novelties from past culture, kinda like precious imagery scrapbooking, that yeah although still incredibly well done, diminishes it's identity from a meta kind of sense. It's incredibly more wholesome without a doubt, but it's overall quality still drips of a pop star, not the love goddess ya guys still aspire her to be. We can argue how the tracks, and opinions of it are subjective, that's always true. But I honestly think the title track's a lot more transcendent, while The greatest is still talking about the doom of a failing world. The poignant piano's gorgeous, but still warns of doom and fatalism. Would u really like Lana to be better remembered as that, like I get the beauty and comfort of it, TG, but I honestly think NFR is a tier higher: narratively, and in sound. The already fleeting character of the track, just leaves you wanting more of the paradise she painted, left, leaving you wondering where tf she went. It adds more to who she is, and although difficult, the respect, valuing of self-worth, and protection of leaving, and the mystique she carries. Especially as hard as it is when you don't want to, but have to. It just seems so much more like her too
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