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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. .. . .. . so I know it's subjective but. Which tracks top The Greatest?
  2. Dragging it into the thread if u don't mind ! I love this! Was actually against the poetry book coming w a music bundle, but I understand the appeal n wholesomeness of having both things in one set too edit: picture discs foreveeeeeer
  3. Know it's lq, I haven't listened, but. Better thoughts on what she'd like to perform for the upcoming tour?
  4. It's actually funny bc almost a year ago, we were talking about how beautiful this record would b, carrying the summer into the fall, and we're actually getting it at that same exact part of this year. Funny how that works out
  5. That actually mattered a lot to me? The vinyl, in pink
  6. Same. but. I guess for me, whenever I'm just writing lyrics for the fucks of it, usually the songs that don't have bridges are a lot more honest bc I'm too tired to come up w one, and it seems more like, accepting in tone, bc there isn't really that perspective shifting counterpoint to contrast/amplify the track. My opinion at least
  7. Distractions nd just not being present w urself, like neglection of self-awareness? idk .. . or it could be referencing his ego? Which track is that in?
  8. I had no real expectstions for it, prodcution wise, but the be my once in a lifetime fucking caught my entire interest for it
  9. I'm emotional rn and I have legit fucking tears. Fuck. And it being a bit mor emuted, to better help introspect? The potential subtle softness to it? Fuuuuuuuck I'm fucking sold
  10. To the fockers who've already listened to the record (which actually, can b real debatable considering the aduio quality of it forsure) , is Love Song amazing? Tease the fucking hell out of it, I have to know
  11. I usually love that typa shat but yeah, was real excited for the tracks
  12. This is gonna b totally weird but does anyone else sorta get reminded of Carole King when she sings the prechoruses?
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