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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. California, Love Song and HiaB. Those are the ones I'm most excited for
  2. FIILY, and I love how lowkey spooky it sounds when she starts chanting like second half of the song
  3. I like how she sings "I like to see everything in neoooon" not just bc everyone knows i'm a sucker for colors, but I love how simply profound that can be. The high saturation, how it looks better in the dark. It's kinda like this energetic, electric feel to it, yet, still deep in a way at how it's so saturated in color. Where tf is @@cognaclilac , he's probably laughing this updated color theory post lmao short point, I like how she chose that kind of color feel to express how she sees things. Not rose colored, not black and white, but heightened neon, still full, and deep, and filled with color. Does anyone wanna ride my wavelength LMAO
  4. Aside from some songs on BTD, I actually felt a bit removed. I reveled in Paradise. UV was when I became like a true stan. I think I relate the most to HM tho still. Ditto on NFR. I love how forward it is emotionally. Not like I can't feel my emotions on my own, but I just like how in some ways, it sorta just picks up and parallels what I've been feeling lately? Maybe it might just be the mass appeal and possible universal social/relational themes, but it's been serendipitous w how it's been going, and I'm kinda scared at how things are like that, bc I'm usually detached. Short answer, feels
  5. This might b really weird, but like, not really, but yeah same. The music's been real, just relatable and more emotionally fueled than her past stuff, and I love it
  6. I'm digging the distressed T. Yes to the ORAAAAANGE I was thinking this. Inspired by the side to side video forsure too
  7. This might b really stupid, but I’m grateful that the footage is actually new, and she’s singing to the words lmao
  8. Youtube glitched, there're views on the video already.. I think, it's interesting to note, if it means anything, how she chose those two tracks to have together for the double video. They aren't side by side on the record tracklist, so I guess, album canon wise, it might not match up, if the tracklist's indicative of some sort of linear narrative. But. I'm just gonna go w how she chose those two tracks. NFR, being the main concept, about her man being puffed up, but having great moments. Sad girl shit, and piano ballads. Surf undertones. Maybe if this vid was supposed to have a storyline, she probably was holding out hope that this guy'd really stay with her, and she actually lets loose w her emotions, but it doesn't really work out, and the life that she wished so hard for herself, doesn't turn out to be that, even if she's accomplished much, she can't get the same fulfillment, so she's trying to get back to her roots, all the while, still strangely holding onto some kind of hope, that he'll give her an uncomfortable wake-up call that'll be harder for her, but that she'll still appreciate? I think I'm better understanding more and more of how Hope's the closer
  9. I kinda forget who or how I was introduced to industrial vibes, actually wait, it was this anime, but does anyone else love those vibes? It's so strangely beautiful, the contrast of these manmade structures against nature? and how much is going on thru those machines, against the serenity of the skies and usually plain fields around it? I think that it's so beautiful. Makes me so happy that she chose to make some vids in long beach too, one of my favorite places to just be around
  10. It makes me sad when I see the older guys in Lana's videos, bc I know it's not always some kind of romanticized, or an erotic sorta thing. The whole contrast of being younger and being around older people, finding yourself talking to them randomly. They have so many dreams and stories and wisdom to impart, and it almost feels like they're just itching to just tell someone. Do u think she thinks about these things?
  11. I think this might be the most easily relatable record she'll have released - Lana ty
  12. Not even a diss, but can anyone else imagine The Greatest being a part of some kind of wholesome coca cola commercial? I've been thinking about it for like a while now
  13. hm. which browsers r u guys using? ya guys signed in on yt? or does that matter, we wanna knoooooooooow
  14. like idk her personally, but that makes me irrationally sad for her.. fuck. hmmm. ( but i mean, i guess she knows she's releasing it, at least maybe she's had time to feel better? ahhhhhh
  15. ohmygod is it just the mist or is she crying. i wasn't ready for that
  16. we got it to 2k, then 3k. I'm content w that, but we aren't even done lmao
  17. Mm. Letting u know now, I never really kept up w that sorta stuff those days, gen curious, but I do remember at that time, that things weren't as tender back then. She slipped away w it, bc the atmosphere wasn't as heavy. I think the main thing about her work, was the romanticization of domestic abuse, but yeah, i think it's a lot easier to judge than think for yourself, so things might've been easier to just judge. Wasn't into her as much as I was since West Coast, but I remember how her sound was really apart from the others at the time, and thought her tone was so different and drunk sounding. Born to Die sounded like some kinda suicidal record, and maybe it's just my perspective, but I always thought that the record was some kind of gate, having a kind of metaphorical death of yourself, and being new again. I think it's worrisome that things are being so minutely dissected, and I get both sides, but sometimes, art, or at least the more profound it is imo, really carries a lot of pain and touches on how that came to be, and it's not necessarily wise to just blurt out how that pain might've come to be by pushing it down, bc life really isn't just about the beautiful moments alone, but how we get there, and, at least for me, it's a lot wiser to really look at the outliers of normal social behaviors and taboos, if only to share those experiences thru starting the conversation, and to really be able to respect the pain, to be able to deeply heal. Not gonna get into what the guidelines or criteria of what something is or has to b to b considered art, but it's a definite kind of expression, and imo, it should be in some way, honest of what that individual is thinking or feeling. I think it's a shame how people can repress and limit themselves because of how they can't lose control (at least in a safe space), bc sometimes, I think really, it's the highs and lows we explore that really teach us the hardest between the constants we experience. We should really be a lot kinder and more understanding w one another, instead of chastising each other, like what a wasted opportunity for moving more socially forward as a species. He logged in today, i think he's waiting for that too yeah mm
  18. dk bout u guys, but I'm already mentally preparing myself for how i'm gonna listen to this record, which tracks'll go to which drives. what times. how i'll listen to it, and just. GAWD. i'm excited as heck. It's been a shitty ride, almost like a year, but negl venice held things up for a real long time for me. MAC haven't listened for a while, so it'll still be a bit fresh. Hope? Had a weird sincere moment w it already, so yeah im accustomed to it, but bc I already explored the song, I'm ok w it. The Greatest came out, like a week ago. FIILY? I caved and listened. The rest of the record? Nothing against the peeps who've listened, but i've waited so the hq'll be fresh. IDK how it FUCKING HAPPENED. but we got the groovy vinyl colors after my fucking rants. PINK? Someone's looking out for me I just know it I swear. So fucking happy. Like idk who to thank, but just (I'm mentally pointing to that person(s)) like, T H A N K Y O U. u guys, we're a fucking mess, but. it works somehow? nice sharing laughs w ya's, let's keep going. I can't wait to get lowkey annoyed of how our opinions'll clash and shit next. it's already so fucking memorable for me imma shut up now.
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