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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Mm I got my pink vinyl wish (ty vinyl gods) but all that glitters aint glitter sis, truestory
  2. This is what i fucking get for not listening to the leaks ohmygod
  3. Eyy as shit poster no. 2 I just wanted to say that we got 527 pages n up above expectations. R we gonna stop? Nope. 5 FUCKIN DAYSZ
  4. I'm having certain fantasies of my mailman coming early all of a sudden WTF
  5. CALIFORNIA DREAMIN MONEY ON MY MIND californiasjustanotherstateofminditturnsouteverywhereyouyoutakeyourselfitsnotalie -
  6. Like im about to rob the corner liquor lowkey and my partner in crime's rushing me to get in the fucking car. roadtrips and arguments - getting abandoned bc i probably annoyed him too much that day, then desert bonfire sessions and sleeping underneath the bedazzled sky eating something unhealthy like cheese puffs and then ending back up in the city when the week starts The Greatest
  7. I loved it when they were getting all dramatic at the coutnry club pool. Like holy shit. And have u seen that one meme of a fan asking for pics at the sex shop. Gahahahahahahahahaha, nd theyre coming up w a show reboot? Dirtying the legacy imo mm Lets have a blacklight party
  8. This is gonna b real random, but imagine how cool itd b if Lana drank glow in the dark shots or something, and u could see it glow, like some kind of avatar state Lana. I would spit all my drinks, does that exist ive some research to do
  9. Not sure not sure exactly but I forget who genuinely loved HiaB before, so imma just say, pre leaks and just to snippets before to the users who loved our heavenly gay anthem this quarter. U guys are amazing. The peeps, they're stepping into the light
  10. Whatever's on tonight, I just wanna party w you. Topanga's hot tonight, i'm taking off my bathing suit. Like maybe guilt by association,whatever don't give af, but honestly, these lyrics, and the tone of the chorus, the elongated nature of the syllables when she sings em (at least from what I know from the original Architecture) makes it perfeeeeeect to just drown shit out. They're basking in their greatness, not excitedly, but with minimal effort, almost matter-of-fact-ly, bc they're used to it, and the apparent vapidness of the chorus change only makes it such an interesting troll tactic if that was even the main motive of it. it's got an intimate devil may care attitude that gives it a groovy kinda nature imo and I love it nd honestly, who doesn't not like fooling around like that once in a while, for me, if i'm being silly w u, it means we're close or want to b, two cents
  11. Forgot who it was who was volunteering to get a usb of the album from a certain someone's crapper bb it might just b ur time to shine Ngl lowkey get a little proud of myself for holding out bc im a sucker for denying myself shit then doing a fuckin 180 when the immersements right like i know im in so much trouble and im anticipating it on the actual release day
  12. I've honestly been like lowkey flirting w the fucking release date, like i acknowledge it hard, but it doesn't fucking need to know that
  13. Can I give u a hug, bc. That's so innocent and pure and like mygod we need more fucking moments like these i fucking swear
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