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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Probs to a whole foods/trader joes. I personally like gelsons but u know, gotta get that quality chai T powder I remember the whole Gaga soccer mom fiasco, we're so behind
  2. But, the answer is that she just doesn't openly give a fook. Case closed
  3. Why are there so many guests pressed against the forum rn? Whats up whats new? I love Shazam too
  4. Forgot how I knew this, but at the time me and some friends were intent on taking some of the posters, which ended up being a great big fail, just got like a third of one, but anyway, it was titled YAIL, Young and In Love, and she specified that she changed the title to Love instead, bc it better encapsulated what the song was about, rather than the situational kind of definition of being in youth and love, when she meant for it to be for all ages, nd the general concept of it
  5. Wish she'd post the pre-order bc i have no fucking idea how the tracklist order's gonna look like its been bugging me Or it could b AMAZING
  6. Drive it, clean it, lysol bleed it spend the last dough? In ur pocko- u got it?
  7. I hope the spice track is still very much the mystic hoe track we've been waiting for, regardless.
  8. Nah Im hoping those track titles arent real. California? Cinnamon, Girl? It seems too "her" but idk if she'd actually do it. Dunno it just doesn't stick
  9. So like, my future self is jamming to how gay HiaB is and my arms rn are fucking crossed
  10. I’m excited like stupidly for the double vids coming soon, but how many ways have we disappointed ourselves today? Some guys like that I heard
  11. Idk, I think each track has its own merits to themselves, and it'd be a lot easier if we just appreciated them for what they are, than comparing them to death, waiting for something more. They're all fucking diff flavors, w different essences for us to enjoy differently. U know what I'm getting at Cinnamon is gonna fucking wipe all this outdated music all the way to the shadow realm
  12. sometimes i wish bluetooth let us tune in music from the future too bb, shame shame
  13. I mean no yeah hopefully not in that exact way, but from how happy she seemed on the insta post, and just the overall light, n happy kinda vibe off straight from the title, it seems more like another happier track. guessing this, and how healthy the title track is'll that we'll get something real wholesome Last time we all checked august was the 8th month of the year bb
  14. Its bc we dissed how LFL was forcefully aged they don't serve matcha in jail i heard tho thats why I'd actually not prefer that kinda setup. LFL had a large amount of tracks bc it rep'd an anthology of her work, feel like Nfr's gonna have to be more cohesive. It wasn't even supposed to be a record, just originally a collection of tracks so it'd defo be overkill for that many. 16 max including bonus tracks if we even get any, and saying that's even pretty weird to say
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