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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I can agree with u not because I'm trying to take both sides if either are more valid than the other, but yeah I'd love to see what her original vision of the album cover is, from what Ben's recommended for her, so I really wouldn't be able to say, and it's only because of whether or not it'll be as cohesive.. I think so too really that the info seems more stressful than what'll happen and I'm hoping that we won't notice bc that'll mean everything works together so well / Slightly off topic, does anyone get Groupie Love release vibes from Cinnamon??
  2. Honestly Im fucking terrified of that bc already here head on there's some kind of discrepancy of what's to happen, and it's like when a cover does come out, someone's gonna ask for the other version that we won't get, add that to the list and where's the closure in that
  3. I think so too. Honeymoon's cover was/is beautiful, and yeah so is Lana's smile, but I'm still thinking about the regret of how photoshopped it looks. Like a sc filter or something thank you
  4. Seems like a cutie, but not to rag on anyone, but isn't it pretty weird how she's kinda just spotted like this w a man to then probably have others think that he's more important than what he is (not to sound bitchy) but what if he's just a friend or something. Like wow maybe bc I was listening to Hope and the whole gatekeeper keys post came to mind, but privacy really is some kind of richness, and she doesn't have it much Now what I really wanna know is where that stand is, been collecting fashion mags for a few months now and wanna know if they have a certain one I've been looking for for a few weeks now
  5. Do ya guys remember when we were rooting for space Lana during the Lfl period? Just remembered it bc of how solemn Hope is, and how perfect it'd be to be shot in space, like imagine Sandra Bullock floating around while the song's playing Kinda like us, and then breaching for impact back down from all the static once news finally comes to us via insta link
  6. What I've been really wanting to know is how everything's going to fit narrative wise, if there even is one.. I mean it's been a while since she's released HM, and it's a bit of a mystery to me atm. MAC and VB sound pretty light, positive, even if VB's drenched in nostalgia, she still recalls it fondly. Hope can be easily pegged as somewhat of a downer, but she ends it with that she still has it, and even if it's minimally produced, there are still some notes you can hear that quietly build momentum, and almost a silent kind of triumph that contrasts w how vulnerable she's being so that's pretty beautiful, and you can almost sense verse per verse how her emotions just swing from one place to another. In short, delicately positive. Cinnamon's playful af so yes. IYC seems to be too, which seems connected to HiaB by how similar their tempos are, and just as if the two songs would compliment each other well side by side HtD sounds like, the most, at least that we know of, as the saddest track that we've heard, but she still pushes forward. What we know is that she's going for the sad girl, intro vibes, along w the RHCP surf vibes. and that she mentioned the record was about a kind of man who had some genius, but wasn't or was lacking? Someone like, around that right? A heavenly opener/ the title track/ the ballad/ the cool, beautiful song that people tend to love, the masterpiece of a track/ the two public friendly tracks/ the conflict/ then regret/ and resolution. I really wonder how she placed the tracks and in which order, it doesn't even have to be a straight narrative, but yeah thematically and all that. also, we know from her official discography where she's at. From the intro of BtD, the heavenly vices that followed, revenge from UV, how honest she was with HM, and her wishing to expand her world w LfL. So this record is kinda like a fresh start for her in at least 2 different ways. She wasn't as sad as we thought, but she's not where she wants to be. She wants to trust, but it's difficult, but still does it anyway. Like a valiant acceptance of her humanity. Introspection, check! The more I listen to everything, I'm getting, living day by day vibes from this record, and more moments of happiness and joy, so maybe that kinda lightheartedness is where the surf is found? *side note: bing'd NfR, and apparently Bartender, Starry Eyed and Cactus are listed? Tf who did that lol
  7. I feel like an ass now to a bit, so I'm sorry too, and no don't worry ur all good YESSSSSSS
  8. Sure that's fine and I'd rather not wanna have to do this w you, but that's not what I mentioned when it came to u thinking of umbrella conceptualizing as something you might've seen as obvious as something when I knew what I wanted to see from what I heard from the music (which of course isn't gonna synergize w other folks I know), but just wanted to let you know that I disagreed with how u might've possibly thought that that's how I came up w the pink w the tinges bc I didn't
  9. nd honestly when she mentioned that she wanted to try something she's never done before, I immediately thought of her sky diving or bungee jumping, but that's me projecting but imagine?
  10. I'm basically basing this off the feels of the HiaB snippets, the cover doesn't have to be overtly pink, but something with a warm touch, an industrial feel or something: add in some skate park vibes, like and just imagine how well this'd contrast under a warmer colored sky
  11. Honestly at least for me, I'd rather speculate on things that I'd like for the music instead of going along w what everyone says, not a joke, two cents
  12. Yesssss, fucking thank you. Pink Motel/Sunken City vibessszz the contrast would be amazinggg Its all coming together
  13. I've always loved it. Tourlyfe was a stretch but it seems like she changed it so. Imagine a double release like SB/ Groupie Love. Waiting for IYC, but she hasn't really talked more of it so. Imagine IYC playing after HiaB due to similar tempos and melody
  14. Idk about a reality tv show for her, but I'd love a series of mini videos, like the 73 questions vids, and honestly just more interviews. Unless she became all baddie mode then I guess that'd be something but idk I don't see her not lounging on her porch drinking lemonade or something (but honestly if she did that, imagine the memes)
  15. Didn't u know? Happiness is a (Gay) Butterfly Yeah definitely, don't know exactly but I like how intimate, more subjectively/outwardly emotional all the tracks we've gotten sounds Then just don't listen Don't deprive the others who'd want it
  16. U know, I really thought we could've made it to page 1k. Cheers, but like only 86% of it
  17. WTF I think I like it even more now hahahahahahaha fbsiaosnsoaksndksksndkakaks
  18. I need this sonnnnnnng : http://instagram.com/p/Bom3iYPgRO2/
  19. I honestly hope that she does something that stands out a bit softly, so yesss colors. Idk why but I'm always just reminded of Because of You, or the psychedelic solo from My Best Days, and how playful it is compared to the snippets we got. Sure they're not the same, but that's what I get from te tracks, and the HiaB original video
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