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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Actually for me, if this even is the official cover, well regardless, I can appreciate the aesthetic that she's got going. The shirt, the malibu tree foliage, the hoops, to her hair being styled back. Idk exactly what she's coming up with, and how it'll tie with the music overall, but it's there. I mean if I wanted to really say something, I'd wonder why the filter seems colored as if lifeless, and the lack of contrast overall when u look at the photo.There doesn't seem to be any warmth coming off from it
  2. Not to be ungrateful but. do u think a music vid's in order for MAC? Lana's bw vids are always so beautiful
  3. A true conversation btwn my left and right ears while i'm listening to both songs (shook) at once TMRW
  4. You took my sadness out of context / at the mariners apartment complex I ain't no candle in the wind
  5. Oh honestly no worries, I was unaware. Like for me it's not that deep, I was streaming music online and theirs came up, and I was like, hey I kinda dig this, it reminds me of Lana. Anyway, yeah agreed, less collabs.
  6. LOL, thinking about how BP came out, for me, it was beautiful, even if Stevie's tone sounded a bit nasal and warped. Bp is a classic. Idk if it'd be a great idea to do another collab with her atm, bc it might lessen what they've worked on already if that makes sense. and yeah I feel like she'd more than likely collab with other artists on their songs, not on her own. I think the Weeknd is an exception since they go way back. Lust for Life seemed like a celebration of life for an album, or at least, a catching up to speed with it, in some sense. Florence? Maybe. I'm kinda hoping the collabs are minimal on the next one tho. Just my pref. Highly saturated in Lana's perspective ie. HM
  7. Idk atm, but when u asked, I immediately thought of Mazzy Star. That would be something.
  8. Look at all the gays getting in to get focked up with her new music. https://tenor.com/view/oprah-emotional-crying-sobbing-tearing-up-gif-5455507
  9. So its like Shades of Cool all over again with the title but. Thinking about it now, seamen who usually go to sea stay on land for a fraction of the year. They usually don't feel as enthused during those times, kinda like a depression from not being out at sea. The apt could be a real physical complex that someone lives in, and/or having a complex, where I'm guessing the man she loves is somewhere else while he's with her. Kinda like just staying inside when u could b exploring and living with society on land again. Probs both? Either way, she's coming, with SURFish music? Fucking sing ur kumbayas!!,
  10. Ok but wait tf how can anyone sludge on HM? The transition from Freak to Art Deco alone just wut
  11. I didn't want to say anything, bc why, and also bc of my prev satirical post , but can we please stop shitting on the album Like alright it's subjective a matter of opinion let's start there, but the album was still pretty solid. Sure she changed the mechanics behind how the album focused in on things, but it's beautiful. The opening on Love, it's message. The title track, with the piano in the background building momentum, like navigating towards life, the senitmentality of 13 Beaches. Cherry with it's heightened sensuality, White Mustang's penchant for nostalglia. Summer Bummer, a classy hoe's backtrack, how hypnotizing Groupie Love is, IMF lyricism, Coachella's concern and selflessness, GBA's motivating tendencies, the fun f.o approach to problems, how globalist BP is, an ode TNC is, and how earth shattering the last three tracks are. Sure it lacks a kind of cohesiveness to what we've gotten accustomed to, but it's still such a solid work. If you're looking for a problem, u'll find one, but still. It's not difficult to appreciate the anthology that is LFL. I do have to agree tho, I don't think a grammy can just encapsulate what an album/music can mean. It'll probably boost what an artist can charge, but that never means quality is exclusive with it. . . .So on another note which side of the coin are we playing wait with today?
  12. Lana: I'm not releasing the next record til ur truly in luv with LfL
  13. This. She's got a cult following. Might as well extend her artistry thru decent merch.
  14. YES! THANK U! It's all good this one's better lol
  15. This is probably gonna sound outta no where, but does anyone have that gif of Charli nodding, sunglasses on, listening to a cd or something? I've been searching for it since forever couldn't find it
  16. Falso, we would've gotten a lesbon cherry pie Cherry mv by now if it were tru
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