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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Cherry hella sounds like something she would've written

    True, I wonder how the tracks going to play out, and what it'll be about. I mean we can already see the similarities between them, but I wonder what Lana's perspective is, what she'll show through the song she's supposedly written 

  2. Every time some kind of major wave of violence makes its way through the news, Coachella just grows more and more meaningful. What the hell. Started listening to Yes To Heaven, and my god. She doesn't have to create specific tracks so overtly regarding politics, Love does just that, and LFL, from a more humanistic pov.

    Yes to Heaven's newly emerged version does that too. That's a new kind of heartbreak right there. 

  3. The kidnapping thing probably wasn't the only thing she was crying over, i think she was also quite shook up and upset about those photo's leaking too. They seemed to trigger her a little

    Which photos?

    And personally, I think bartenders actually have a pretty interesting job, socializing, and knowing how to make drinks and prep things for people to unwind, or just the opposite. That's already something to think about


    What if it's like a Carmen 2.0?

  4. 12 minutes of Lana on a black stage, perched on a giant swing while slowly sipping from a big ass can of Pepsi-Cola and watching the crowd. Alex and Ashley are on either side of her, dancing to literally no music. Chuck is on the side of the stage, taking photos. Then at the end, Lana leans into the microphone, says "you're welcome kiddos," then rides off into the sunset on a tiger. 

    This will be done, of course, during the performance art phase of her career. 

    Ur on a roll, keep going tho  :lmao:  :flutter:

  5. I wonder type of music she's writing right now, if any- i know it's a slightly heavy topic but a full mind is an inspired one, and stuff from UV came from sad moments like these, albeit not as life threatening

    Maybe it's how "You Must Love Me" was already rumored to be covered, but I wonder if she's thinking of going even more contemplative of who she is as an artist again, kinda like how she's done with Young & Beautiful, and is just looking back on everything she's done so far. 


    Like Born to Die is the realization of self, Paradise is her reveling in the moments that life has to offer, Ultraviolence is her vengeance, Honeymoon is a return to self, Lust For Life is her pining and wanting to connect, and maybe if an EP is coming, that she'd want to write more about what connection and love brings for everyone. 


    Like, an ideal world. Maybe if Yosemite's tied to it


    Two cents

  6. I totally agree about what you said for Yosemite! However, I was not familiar with this Lily Allen video but I can totally see the similarities! :)

    btw I love your icon!

    Yeah it just came to mind, I think it was just the vibe I got from how her stage looks for the tour, and the plain white shirt and glossy brunette hair. I know how much effort you've put behind yours and what it means to you. It looks great! 

  7. I know I'm not in the clearest of mind rn, so title.


    I'm seeing a flower swing, lots of lotus and floral patterns with Lana in the middle, and some kind of All The Lovers by Kylie Minogue mountain of lovers while Lana's playing her guitar at the very top.


    How would you stage Lana's halftime show performance if she ever did perform through it?

  8. I can't help but imagine if LFL followed its original aesthetic concept - I don't mean to do self-promo here, but instead of rewriting everything in this thread, I'll link a post and concept I made in another thread. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9598-edits-by-ianadeirey/?p=604431


    I hope the EP or next album takes a more cohesive, vintage approach like this ^

    I looked at Lana's set design for the Moon tour, and was reminded of Lily Allen's video. I glimpsed it a while back, and the feel sorta seems similar to what Yosemite would be like, but maybe in cooler tones, and well, less ranch, more nature inspired. I think a vintage feel would be great. Is this what you were going for?



    I really need another lofi west coast summer album from lana :deadbanana:

    Surf rock with a lightness to it, to follow the lightness at the end of get free https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IwOkZjpkLO8

    basically this is entirely what I envision (and the west coast radio edit)

    I'm actually pretty conflicted because surf rock Lana just sort of slips off then mental metaphorical tongue, and maybe it's because it's rumoured that Lana's covered Madonna's "You Must Love Me" eith Evita vibes surrounding the possible EP, but that would be so amazing.

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