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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. "I'll prove my mother wrong, make her cry with a song" is a line I don't think we'll ever hear Lana sing. Seems to be fake to me.
  2. I still think I’ll wait 1-3 years before I buy the CD album though, just so I can get it for a cheaper price.
  3. Dang, now I’m starting to get hyped, maybe I should’ve bought more album copies than just a vinyl lol
  4. Mojo apparently gave the album 80/100 in a review? : D ooh wait wait wait, I saw it now - that’s great!
  5. Good question... I have no idea, haha.
  6. I have yet to buy AoC, haha... TT w TT I've only played a little bit of the demo as well. Once I'm done with Fire Emblem, I'll go back to A Link to the Past and try to beat it for the first time, then I might think about AoC (or just finish the DLC for BotW). I'm in no hurry to get the sequel anytime yet, haha. ^^'
  7. I'm not so sure about that... They can always bundle them together and use the idiotic idea of letting them be for sale for a limited time, like how they did (do) with Super Mario All Stars. But yeah, TP and WW will surely come to Switch in HD one day, it would be a simple port I think.
  8. I haven't played Ages/Seasons BUT I remember really wanting to when I saw pictures of Nayru, Din and Farore as a kid! A remake would really make it easier for lots of people (like me, hehe) to discover older Zelda titles. I might not have played Link's Awakening if they didn't make a remake! Oh, and also, Nintendo registered trademarks for older Zelda games so something IS coming, for sure! (hopefully something more than SS!) I'm not sure if they offer free repairs in Europe...? I haven't really looked closer into it, I just know that the latest news is that Europe is looking into it, haha. Shamelessly adding links to ZU which I am a part of <3
  9. I think we can still expect a large celebration for the anniversary later this year. Super Mario got lots of attention last year, and they're starting by porting Skyward Sword to Switch this summer. Zelda is Nintendo's second largest franchise with a very devoted fanbase so it would be stupid to not make us spend out money for Zelda stuff (such as the Zelda themed joy-cons for example). I'm pretty sure they're keeping as much as possible a secret for us until later this year. I wish for Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons to come to Switch in the look of Link's Awakening remake. I think that would look cool! But also, I just know the joy-con drift is gonna ruin the gameplay for lots of people who will buy SS to Switch haha, I hope people who will buy it because they couldn't stand Wii's motion controls will think of that. ^^' No, I know lots of people who want that! And people who are wishing for a "Zelda All Star" with OoT, MM and TP! Question is if we'll get any of that.
  10. I won't buy it because a) I still have access to SS on Wii and b) I gotta save money A bit sad that they didn't have more BotW sequel news to tell us by now, but that's okay. I hope a smaller Direct will come soon (as in later this year) with more Zelda news since the franchise is celebrating its 35th anniversary this month.
  11. It's interesting how she's gradually started to sing in higher notes! We could hear it first in God bless America that she started to bring her higher notes back ("even when you talk that talk with the lights on, I still somehow know that I'll never feel, ever feel lonely"), and then her cover of You Must love me, then Season of the Witch, Looking for America, You'll never walk alone, COCC... I think her higher register is here to stay!
  12. COCC is a cool summer's day song when nothing really happens and you're just chilling and enjoying the peace and calm. Like a woman is the fall song I listen to when the sun is setting.
  13. More Fire Emblem: Three Houses fan art! Tonight's painting is Solon! He turned out better than I thought he would!
  14. Where's this Feb 26th rumor coming from? (I haven't checked the thread regularly because of school, I usually just keep myself logged in if anyone would be in need of a mod, apologies if it was just in a few pages back (but I didn't see anything there))
  15. But BIHI makes me laugh No, but personally, they're Hope, Hope is a keyboard smash, World at war and GBA to me. (Not to be confused with GameBoy Advance <3 )
  16. Wait, no, please, not another terrible acronym, can't we all agree just to call it Dark? My memory bank can't store too many acronyms at the same time.
  17. I just scrolled through my COCC timeline... it's been a trip, I can't wait for it to be over lol. Hope time passes by quickly!
  18. Happy V-day to Link and Zelda from Skyward Sword!
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