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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I think I’m giving up, it’s currently 3:40 AM over here. I wish LB notifs could show up on my phone’s notifs tonight so you could tell me when they announce the winners for song and album of the year. :/
  2. Just letting you know, she said she got it from the mall so it most likely wasn’t tailored to fix her properly after she bought it.
  3. And I’m getting hungry... not a good combo... TT^TT
  4. R.I.P. me So it’s gonna end around 5 AM for me. Man, I do want to stay up but I dunno... until five?? But at the same time, I’ve been watching it so far...
  5. I’m so tired, how much longer is this on for?
  6. I think she looked regal. I need better pics, but so far, I’m liking yesterday’s look better.
  7. Red carpet lady: “I just saw LDR walk by” Man, I was hoping she’d stop by and let them interview her... but I knew I was hoping for too much... sigh.
  8. https://twitter.com/fallenal1en/status/1221592625595072512?s=21 For people wanting to see the look!
  9. Where are everyone watching? I’m just checking the Grammys red carpet video on Twitter lol.
  10. I don’t think anyone here will love her less if she doesn’t win anything.
  11. Can Lana please show up to the red carpet soon, I’m so tried but keep the red carpet live video on in the background and try to rest for a bit. u___u
  12. Update: Billie Eilish’s brother Finneas won Producer of the year, so now we only wait with crossed fingers for the winners of SOTY and AOTY to be revealed!
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