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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Sure, but how much of it is sugar? Why not just buy pure biotin pills instead? =P (Maybe they taste bad, what do I know...) And most people get enough biotin from the food they consume...I’m too sleepy and sluggish to try to debate right now lololol, I’ll let this be for now. xP
  2. I don’t think hair vitamins like those blue teddy bears do anything for your hair though, haha.
  3. I believe I have already told about my story in another thread, but I could share it again. I really liked reading everybody else's stories too. ♥ Living in a larger city in Sweden, you can find H&M stores pretty much anywhere you go. This was fall 2012, during Lana's campaign with H&M and I would see her face pretty much everywhere. But, I'm always a bit late and maybe skeptical when it comes to artists I don't know yet. She had a pretty face, but I wasn't interested enough to look up her music. But Lana's name was popping up (what felt like) everywhere too - H&M pictures, briefly mentioned in newspaper columns etc. Lana Del Rey, Lana Del Rey, Lana Del Rey... The name got stuck in my head! It rolls perfectly on your tongue, it's elegant. So I guess I decided to look her up one day. So I went to Youtube and searched her name. I think I listened to Summertime Sadness first - didn't like it - and then Video games - didn't like it either. So, thinking that her music wasn't for me, I closed the tabs and carried on with my day. But her name, it was impossible to forget. Somehow, I must've forgotten that I had checked her out once already, so I did the same thing again, went on Youtube, listened to the music but still - not for me. It wasn't until the third time I think when I began to appreciate Summertime Sadness and Video Games, Born To Die was still too slow and her voice a lot darker than what I was used to. But it didn't take long until loved what I heard and began following her on Twitter. Then I bought BTD-Paradise edition from a record store one late winter day in early 2013 (I think?). I remember reading the lyric booklet on the train station, trying to remember the melody to National Anthem, and I couldn't wait to go home and play it. I hadn't listened to the album on Spotify yet, which is rare, because I rarely buy an album without listening through it all. So I put it on in the living room, and I remember feeling petrified for a split second when she sang "my pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola" and my parents were sitting right next to me. xD But I also remember that my dad really loved hearing Ride. And my mom asked me if this was a girl group, because Lana's voice can go very low and very light and high, as we know. And, well, I was hooked. I played the songs over and over and eventually discovered her unreleased tracks on youtube as well. When I heard QOD, I was farily sure it was the same song a radio station had played a LOT (I remember the screaming part at the end and the beat of the song) during one summer (the same summer?).I was curious to see what this "Tropico" movie premiere was and I wasn't sure what to think of it when I first saw it, haha. At least I appreciate it a lot more today than I did back then.
  4. What is this? Edit: Never mind, I just saw the new thread for the leak.
  5. I’d just stare in disbelief and then be too shy to try to say hi.
  6. A friend has a design contest for “Februfairy” so I drew a clover fairy without thinking too much, just made it quickly and got to play with my markers again.
  7. A short video clip of MIA for British Vogue https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Fu3ALluyu/
  8. @@Barttender Ouch! I hope you’re alright? I don’t think I remember the last time I had a real, proper argument. :/ When was the last time you baked something?
  9. I just dreamt that Jack threw me his older glasses, or parts of his older frames, during a concert. o____o I tried some on, they were really comfortable and colorful but I doubt they fit my face very well. Also, Lana sang at the top of a mountain during some dog races. I was somehow at the foot of the mountain, so I never saw her. >3>
  10. February 14th, if I’m not mistaken.
  11. Can’t watch it right now but I will asap! Edit: eh who am I kidding, I watched it right away. Cool idea, and I liked the ending!
  12. Sure. Haven’t played one in a long time though. Do you friends to talk about anything with?
  13. Hmm... last week, I think. Or a few days ago. Can’t remember. When was the last time you did something for someone else?
  14. Banned for having Chaplin playing a bartender as your signature
  15. Awwww, I was really hopinig it was "cherish" though. Thank you!! ♥
  16. I agree, sounds like bops!
  17. Something is coming soon, exciting!!
  18. Beautiful Loser


    Just listened to Juro Que and I kinda dig how it ends
  19. I wish a small reasoning or explanation came with the awards and not just a name called out in the speakers, maybe it would make it easier to understand why an artist won an award. But I guess an explanation wouldn’t matter anyway if it’s all about money and connections anyway...
  20. I can’t believe “Lana” is trending on #5 WW right now on Twitter. Shit, people are really mad and disappointed.
  21. Accidentally woke up just in time for AOTY. I’ll go back to sleep now, this was disappointing lmao. I really, really wanted Lana to win it.
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