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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Here's a (very short) news article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51028954?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_linkname=news_central&ns_campaign=bbc_breaking
  2. Tame Impala and Lana on the same night, awesome! I'd totally go if I could.
  3. I'm not kidding, I had goosebumps all over my body during this whole video clip :defeated: :defeated:
  4. Banned for thinking I’m obsessed with Christmas
  5. Banned for not playing How to disappear to fix your Christmas cravings
  6. Ok, I’ve tried several times with Universal Sweden and they ignore me. Rude.
  7. Listening to the older version for the first time in a long time, and the lyrics really sound incomplete or like a first draft compared to the released version. I prefer the theme in the older version, but I still think some lines repeat themselves too much and I’m glad she changed the lyrics for the released version. But, that version doesn’t have the same feel of a continuous theme like the “demo”, I can barely put the story together - it’s like as if the verse and chorus tell different stories, whereas the demo has one story to tell. I loved the song when I first heard of it in 2017 when I joined LanaBoards but grew tired of it a few weeks later, mostly because the lyrics were so repetitive. But I don’t prefer the Norman version either, because it’s hard for me to see the story she wants to tell, and because the instrumental sounds too much like it belongs to LFL. (And it’s a shame the ending is different, it was so perfect in the demo). I don’t know, it’s not a bad song, but I just can’t like it enough. I almost always skip it when I play Norman.
  8. Translation of a Swedish song. Maybe there’s no heaven It should be better, should be better I’m not like this because I want to I cry too often, it feels like it’s always Monday morning, and everything starts over Haven’t cleaned a bit, only dreamt myself away Maybe there’s no heaven But, hey, please say it again, that things will be better later
  9. I think June last year when I went to my first festival to see Lana. When was the last time bought something you really wanted? What was it?
  10. Nope. But I sometimes like to joke that I’ll end up in hell according to Dante’s description. Do you like to keep songs on repeat for a longer time? Is yes, any song in particular?
  11. I completely forgot I participated in this, and I’m a bit sad I missed out on the fun reveal of the list but at least I took courage and opened this thread now and read everything! Thank you so much for doing this @PARADIXO! <3
  12. You become rich but end up in a coma after an accident soon after, so you can’t use your money. I wish I could get a job.
  13. Banned because I need to play something and distract my negative mind
  14. And that's bull, just call them and rehearse for a month or two or more until it sounds great. Too bad they're all too lazy for that, including Lana.
  15. I mean, probably, but if they attack Israel, I'm fairly sure the US won't wait a single second to bomb Iran. It sounds like Iran is more interested in taking revenge on US leaders right now.
  16. I read the Rolling Stone piece with Lana and Elton John the other day and she said she wishes to leave 10 year old songs behind and play something new... this is her chance to actually do what she said she wants to. Because she won't change the setlist on the remaining NFR! tour, and I think she absolutely needs to play newer songs. And if she says she wants to... what's stopping her??
  17. Several newspapers have reported that Iran will no longer follow the nuclear deal and will no longer limit uranium enrichment. I’ve also read that Iranian Americans (perhaps coming home after a vacation overseas) are stuck at the US borders and haven’t been let inside, despite being Americans. The US better let them in or they won’t have many doctors and dentists left. Jokes aside, this made me realize that I will probably not be able to visit the US if I wanted to. Oh, well. :/
  18. Idiotic Trump tweeted (threatened) that Iranian sites and civilians will be targets and that they’ll be hit “fast and soon”. I really hope he understands that’s a war crime if he does that. Makes me sick. They’re humans too, and normal people can’t defend themselves. But of course he can’t see that.
  19. I think I remember reading that chapter but I totally forgot omg
  20. Kikyou can drop dead (but I guess she already is lulz) for hurting InuYasha so much, honestly.
  21. I want to read more by CLAMP too, such as Card Captor!! I mean, my username is based on them lmao! And I’m heeere @Neptune, I have all twelve volumes in my bookcase! I couldn’t bother buying Sailor V though, I read it online instead lol. xD I mean, Ranma only became better with that voice actor lol, so I understand. xD We're talking about the Japanese voice actor though? Because they’re the same, I have no idea who their English ones are.
  22. I’ve read InyYasha TWICE... but never to the end! Things came in between, I forgot where I left and what had happened in the previous chapters, which makes me really bummed because I noticed I only had a few chapters left from where I last stopped reading. I absolutely loved InuYasha and I’m a bit sad his human (body? side? What’s the word?) wasn’t included in more chapters. I love Ranma 1/2 as well and I can see some similarities between the characters (also, fun fact, they have the same voice actor in the anime) so maybe that’s why I liked him so much. I really want to read more by Takahashi, but I don’t have the money to... And I prefer to read them in books and not online on a screen...
  23. I just sent a DM to Polydor on Twitter. I don’t think they’ll reply, but at least I’ve tried now...
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