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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I’m literally playing UV and will then continue with other songs before the clock strikes midnight for me. I’ve been so ready all day. I feel like vibrating of excitement, after reading the praise from both you guys here for weeks and reporters, my expectations are sky high. I’m so ready to move on to the post-release thread! Hear the new songs! Be amazed at how talented this lady is!
  2. Omg that Stereogum almost made me cry. Finally someone who understands her. Finally!
  3. @@Jared Please our that in a spoiler to shorten the page <3
  4. Oh whew, good thing the ad on that ice cream truck is the censored version, I can’t imagine kids running to get some treats see “FUCKING” written on it lololol
  5. I think we all can agree that there are fans out there equally passionate about Lana as her front row stans but can’t (always) afford to support her the way they would like to. I feel really fortunate that I can afford her CDs and sometimes a vinyl (I’ve really splurged this month orz) and still can’t believe I’ve seen her twice. That’s more than most fans, and I know that they also deserve to see her. Fans are fans, we all love her deeply no matter what our finances look like. Having money to several concerts and trips will make her remember your face - that’s something most artists do. But Lana might be different in the way that she isn’t afraid to chat with them or check how they’ve been. I don’t know where I was going with this lol.
  6. 3 hours and 15 minutes until it’s on Spotify for me. 10 hours until post-release thread.
  7. Stop hating on Win, Lana clearly likes him a lot or he wouldn’t have been on the set to film the video. Be glad that they didn’t film a closeup of him lol
  8. From my notes: A picture of a paper of Lana looking for people to be in an upcoming music video leaks. The video needs one headmaster and young people to act students. The description says the video will be inspired by Grease and have a 50’s theme. Recording starts 8th and 11th of August (I think?). August 5th. Do you think they changed the idea or that we’ll get more videos?
  9. Watch Lana’s fun video below!! I loved it, finally a video with a good plot!
  10. ... I’m gonna try and add it to the news section and hope the mods approve it lol. (Come through @PARADIXO!)
  11. ... Should we made a thread for the MV? Isn’t that what we usually do for new MVs?
  12. The clothes on the outdoor movie people is kind of 50’s - baseball jackets and so. Also, that they go and “watch” a movie outdoors. I can’t remember the movie well (I’ve only seen it once), but there’s a also heartbreak but in two different ways - in Grease, the guy pretends to forget about the sweet girl he met during summer in order to look cool in front of his friends, in Lana’s MV, the Lizzy figure sees her boyfriend cheating.That’s it I think.
  13. FINALLY a music video with a good plot! Worth watching again!
  14. @@HoneymoonDaddy recorded the interview! He’s on mod queue so I’ll share them for him. First part: https://dbree.org/v/65d67d Second part: https://t.co/oeQYzjVvC5?amp=1
  15. Omg the crowd looked so DEAD! I’m so glad she doesn’t have to experience that again...! She looked as if she was really to get off the stage after two songs and just forget about everything. They didn’t deserve her excellence... she sounded so good too!
  16. Terms and conditions says it’s only for UK residents but when you’re about to fill in the form, you have to pick a country? I’m confused lol, but I’m gonna try my luck anyway.
  17. Finished in June because that’s when she decided to add Doin’ Time I suppose. I choose to still believe it was complete last winter.
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