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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I came back ‘cause Lana said “coming out next month” last night?? Omg guys, maybe she really owns a watch and calendar and can estimate time like the rest of the world! ONE MONTH, I’M HYPED, AUGUST SUDDENLY FEELS TOO SOON!!
  2. Caught a glimpse of her in Ed’s insta live. She looks cute in those high boots and black dress. Edit: Oh, another open-back dress.
  3. I still remember your iconic Instagram story
  4. I was just about to ask how this show went when this thread reminded me that this is one of the weird festivals which lets her on stage at midnight. Have fun, everyone!
  5. Been away from LanaBoards for one day and come back to this, I-
  6. The picture of the actor who IMDb says will play Elvis looks pretty young, I think Lana is out of the picture for playing Priscilla. But yeah, maybe she’ll record a song for it.
  7. Nice to see that we all survived and are back to the usual stuff again. Thanks for getting it fixed, @Elle.
  8. I really just think the videos for MAC and VB were just quickly put together so people could stream them on her official youtube channel. She knew there would be time before any other single would be out, we didn't and assumed that that's the quality we'll get this era. I say, let's give her a chance once the record is out. Perhaps we'll get another music video with much better production.
  9. I just updated the origial post with some links to other BTD threads.
  10. How many weeks does the 1st album have? Just curious how far behind Lana is with BTD.
  11. Oof, I don't know, I think 10 minutes is perfect. Or maybe I've just played it so many times that I know it too well and got used to it.
  12. He just tweeted: :defeated:
  13. I kind of want us to reach three thousand pages because that would be so tragic and fun at the same time, lol. And also because I missed page 2000 ‘cause I took a break from this thread.
  14. That would be... so depressing, that late in September would feel like October to me. King of Swedish traditions
  15. Banned for playing this game without letting me know
  16. Guy on Twitter yesterday claimed he had a friend from Interscope or something who had given him insider info and replied to a tweet that NFR in August isn't very likely. I mean, I think we all knew that anyway.
  17. Oh gawd no, please don't let the cover art be one of her paintings! She can keep them to her poetry book, I don't want 5 minute paintings on paper which is not suitable for water colors in this album!
  18. Oh, I didn't see this until now. :0 I just assumed you had a bad experience because you didn't mention a lot of good things, haha. And yeeaaahhh, the rapper before Lana (he used way too many gun shots audio in between every song, like, damn, chill dude) had some crazy fans, there were guys behind me who were literally almost jumping on us, I tried to call the guard several times to ask them to chill and have some respect for people around them (I almost thought they would crush a poor girl next to me) but he was all like "nuffin' I can do". Well, thank you so much, security guard. >___> Thank l0rd he went off stage 15 minutes too early. His stupid fans didn't even notice or try to call him back on stage, thank da l0rd for that too. But wait, I can't remember Junior Brielle saying that? O___o All I recall is them asking who we were waiting for and I yelled LANAAAAAA lol. xD
  19. Beautiful Loser

    L Devine

    :mj3: So large, it almost scared me.
  20. Sign the petition ♥ https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/release-norman-fucking-rockwell
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