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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Kinda thinking Ride Lana because of the “chameleon soul”, meaning that you’re currently changing who you are to adapt to your surroundings? But also thinking of Radio One Lana in September last year when she was a poet, singer-songwriter, a pilot and musical author at the same time? I’m currently ignoring my problems so I can stay happy and having a great summer although I know it’ll be a very lonely one without friends to hang with, as usual.
  2. “Everyone” said two months ago that they wouldn’t buy the album as a protest of this shitty era and now we’re ready to check websites daily for any preorders or tracklists.
  3. I’m only there if I’m walking to Djurgården. xDJaaa, om du går bakom fasaderna på Strandvägen så ligger det en liten Ica på ett hörn, skitkul att se att veckans extrapriser typ bara var lyxvaror! Kollade upp det på Google, ligger tydligen på Riddargatan.
  4. Yes, I know. I’ve been there for afternoon tea once (their vegetarian option was a disappointment tbh), I like the red... window...?? what are they called in English??? Nåja, de röda markiserna är fina när man går förbi, haha.Yeah, any of those hotels would’ve been good I guess, they’re in the posh area anyway lol. (I found a Ica (supermarket for anyone else who reads this) somewhere around there and internationally laughed so hard at the week’s special offers lmao, oysters, expensive cheeses and like pricey meats, I couldn’t)
  5. She stayed at Sheraton Hotel last time she was in Stockholm, but yeah, I was guessing either Sheraton or Grand this time. I hope she had a nice stay.
  6. No news. From what I understood (thank you Spanish classes), the article only talked about the Gucci campaign, her summer festivals, that an album is coming and her poetry.
  7. I was just thinking. Lana and Jack began working together at the first week of January 2018. She mentioned Sylvia in February 2018. We got the song almost a year later, in January 2019. It’s just funny to me that the album seems to have taken a year to complete (January-December 2018) and it’s July and we still don’t have the album lol.
  8. This is golden. Can I add this to my NFR timeline? I’ll credit you of course. And I’ll add those 2018 dates to my timeline, I knew she had hinted about music for this album sometime back then but I couldn’t remember when (and I was too lazy to look it up lol).
  9. You’re super smart and good at everything to such a degree that people can’t connect with you and don’t understand you, so your life will be pretty lonely. I wish Lana would ditch the playback vocals and hire backup singers instead.
  10. I knowwwww, those drums, ugh! And that guitar! I felt like I was the only one bopping along to the song while Lana was busy with the crowd lol.
  11. Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. writes: This review is NOT by that music journalist I kinda know (that one who looooves Lana as much as we do), so this means she was really good! This reporter liked Lana’s performance the best yesterday. Another review, by Aftonbladet:
  12. Best American Raspberries (although raspberries aren’t necessarily *that* American... maybe a Georgian peaches, Floridian oranges or Californian raisins are better? ... Wait, Californian raisins could be another track name lol) Dark apricots (dried ones are super yummy)
  13. I thought she gave up her career and disappeared ages ago. Heard the news two days ago about her new songs, I almost thought they were talking about some other Agnes. :0
  14. Omg I noticed and I felt like hugging you but I wasn’t sure if it was just irritated eyes or the song, because some smoke machines made my eyes irritated earlier, and now I feel like I should’ve hugged you, I’m sorry. ;-; Black Beauty made me teary-eyed too (maybe because I saw you getting emotional) but the tears fell during Ride instead. You’re such a nice and kind guy, I can’t thank you enough for writing me that long DM calming me down before the festival and taking care of me today and keeping me company. And I haven’t forgotten when you offered to sell me a LATTM ticket either. You’re a kind soul, thank you so, so much! Edit: Wait, maybe it was a good thing that I didn’t hug you, maybe you needed a moment for yourself. ;-;
  15. Btw, her vocals were perrrrrfect, maybe better than when I saw her for the first time in London in 2017! Some songs still have too loud backup vocals but she was overall really good. She enjoyed today, you could tell. Hopefully she’ll continue serving vocals like today on the upcoming shows.
  16. My phone doesn’t have the best quality, but I think this pic I snapped is cute. She’s holding a teddy bear and thanks the audience and expressed her wish to return to Sweden (we’ll see when), and then she got off stage.
  17. I swear, I personally could only hear one person scream for National Anthem.
  18. I’ll do my best If I’m super lucky, she’ll come to me and I’ll give her a note where I express my wish to hear Yosemite one day.
  19. I’d say wait and see if she’ll have her own tour again or their lineup.
  20. The song isn’t really about Sylvia Plath so I guess she just changed the name.
  21. I barely heard her the first time I played the trailer, I might have to do it again. I knew she wouldn’t have a strong presence in the song but...
  22. Lesson learned. Never trust rumored May releases. Edit: ... Wait, shouldn’t it me March for NFR? :B Never mind my comment above lol.
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