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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. So many of my favorite people in one picture, aaaaaahh, legends!!
  2. I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but security guards here usually let you sit down until the band is about to enter the stage. That guy at my Coldplay concert was not it.All my other GA experiences have been fine. Sorry to hear about that experience you described, but yeah, I guess it’s sadly part of staying close. I think guards here have an obligation to hand out water at the front rows and tell people to back up to not squash someone, they’re usually pretty great.
  3. A security guard at a Coldplay concert forced us to stand up for several hours, even before the pre-bands were on stage, and it was raining and windy and ice cold. People were about to faint (I think one actually did) and one of the bands had to cancel their performance because the rain just kept pouring from the tent’s roof right onto their keyboard. I’m still surprised that I didn’t catch a cold or fever afterwards. And I’m surprised that my sis in law survived, she was not properly dressed, I thought she would get pneumonia afterwards but nope. :3
  4. Maybe. Especially if she will take more time to focus on that musical she mentioned ages ago. I think she’s still in this “I try to change” phase so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s trying to find who she is right now and scribble down lyrics once she has figured it out.
  5. I felt absolutely no excitement at all until I read this, suddenly it doesn’t seem so bad after all - thank you.
  6. I can’t believe that my timeline over this era will finally come to an end in August!
  7. No offense taken, I know you meant in broader terms but I just wanted to point out that Lana isn’t an idiot to me. I really like you too, I still think time to time that it’l so cool that we were fairly close when Lana performed in London in 2017. I get your point, and it’s pretty valid because we don’t know Lana personally (and I never pretend that I do), but I do think some of the criticism here are very spot on. But I also agree but a lot of the negativity here is meaningless, simply frustration being taken out on something which I don’t believe is justified. Sorry if I sounded harsh, it wasn’t my intention. I like you too.
  8. One, I’ve never called Lana an idiot, and two, she literally said she didn’t have a plan for releasing the album because she thought it’s more fun that way. Can’t see much reasoning there, but like you said, what do I know? I do think too that Ben and Ed may possibly have told her to try to keep it low, especially when the album was never really coming.And no, I can’t let her win this time, it has simply been too long time with too little professionalism. If she had said something news worthy months ago, maybe in winter or spring, like, I dunno, “it’s taking longer than I thought”, then I would’ve understood and accepted the explanation. I’m just too salty about all of this. I love her music, but someone really needs to stop her from teasing far too much way too early unless they’re certain it’s going to happen somewhat soon.
  9. I was thinking of trying to give Lana something personal and cute at Lolla next week, but maybe I should just give her a calendar and watch instead.
  10. No. She has disappointed me greatly this era in terms of promises and communication, and her staff and “team”. I’m kinda a person who keeps grudges, actually.
  11. @@lonadelery is there, he tweeted that Lana said in two months, and so is and did the guy you call “noodle boy”. I choose to believe this.
  12. I... don’t know what to feel. Glad that she finally says something about it, amused that that means it will be 11 months since the release of Mariners Apartment Complex and Venice Bitch and the first mention of the album, and... finding it hard to be hyped anymore.
  13. August?? That’s so funny, that is like 11 months since the release of Mac and VB. BUT YAY FINALLY SOME NEWS!!!
  14. It’s 11 PM here and still fairly light outside, it’ll be dark by midnight or 1 AM though. And sunrise around 3 AM.
  15. Oh, cool, she’s wearing Love and Lemons again! Thanks, I’ll edit my post in the other thread.
  16. @@venicebitch pointed out that Lana is wearing a white version of Love and Lemons’ “Monroe mini dress” tonight for the Malahide, Dublin, show. . https://forloveandlemons.com/products/monroe-mini-dress-white?refSrc=2186739744816&nosto=productpage-nosto-1
  17. Her dress: EDIT I took the link away, but it’s Love and Lemons. Check the “get the look thread”.
  18. I think this is like some kind of official Giphy page for Charlie’s Angels, and they have tagged Lana in this one. So I guess it’s for a soundtrack. Edit: Oh, @@lustforlife has already mentioned it, I didn’t see. My bad. =S https://giphy.com/stickers/charliesangels-angel-gold-besties-l5I1FJIJeSbW7HLmMK
  19. I didn’t even like it after Lana’s third teaser snippet or something. I think he considered studying there. Don’t know if he does, and I don’t care if he is.
  20. Seeing so many BTD songs on the set list on the previous page... suddenly I’m not excited at all for my Lolla show next week.
  21. Well, I’m glad our community members got front row after that mess. I’d be so mad if I camped two days in advance just to end up some rows back.
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