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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Just wish I could go back and edit my “can’t keeping” to “can’t keep” on my comment to Lana and “put in the dark” to “left in the dark” on my comment to Ed. But yes, writing an angry comment would probably do nothing than provoke her... and then maybe force some kind of answer from her, but I won’t be the one. I very seldom get angry. Frustrated? Yes. But rarely angry.
  2. I just wrote a longer comment under her new post, but I didn’t snap like I thought I would. Staying away from the pre-thread calmed me down I think. Go like it if you want/can find it, I do hope she sees it and at least consider telling us some news. Edit: I wrote to Ed too in desperation.
  3. Ooh, that’s cool but I don’t wanna spoil myself or anything so I won’t watch lol. I could only recognize one Gerudo letter myself, so I’m positive that mummy is Ganondorf somehow. I thought he died/drowned in wind water but, well. :B I’M HERE FOR IT!!Btw, “rehydrated Ganondorf” is a thing on Twitter and I’m living for it lmao, too funny.
  4. MR. RESETTI WON’T BE IN THE NEW GAME, the poor old guy got REPLACED by a stupid code which saves the game automatically!! https://nintendoeverything.com/mr-resetti-lost-job-animal-crossing-new-horizons/ I love that annoying as heck mole, he scolded me HARD in my Wild World game!
  5. Beautiful Loser


    Sounds like me in the Hozier thread ♥
  6. Wtf? Sorry about the bully, I hope you don't have to see her anymore?
  7. It's such a fun song to sing, you start low and then suddenly you go high for the chorus!
  8. ... Wikipedia and Lana wikia say the 13th, so I hope they're right.
  9. That last line. Straight into my heart. I'm proud of her, she really tries to change from where she was to something better for herself. She deserves it.
  10. I had the impression that critics weren't very impressed by the album? I still remember when I played it for the first time, thinking "what on earth has this girl been through??", being unused to Cruel World's slow beat, feeling new to her changed sound, surprised that she could go darker than Dark Paradise. Still remember when I would stay up at night, playing the album with tears falling - happy to say that it almost always makes me feel happy these days. Took me a little bit to get into Ultraviolence, and today it's my favorite album, constantly fighting for the top spot with Born To Die and Honeymoon. But it always stays on top. I even plan on getting a black denim jacket and paint her face on the back. I got the paint and some pyrdamid rivets to decorate it with, as well as the drawing I made some months ago. I'll always love this album. One of my fondest memories of UV is when I was about to leave my university, and I stopped right outside the subway station. In a building nearby, someone had the window open and just blasted the whole album for the rest of the world to hear. I stayed to listen through Shades of Cool and Brooklyn Baby, then I told myself that I better get going before I got too late. Favorite song? I can't pick between Cruel World and West Coast. Shades of Cool and Brooklyn Baby are very close as well. Pretty When You Cry still deserves a music video, but a high budget video for Brooklyn Baby would have been very appreciated as well. She entered the stage when I saw her with Cruel World - I knew she would but I was absolutely in heaven when she did - and a little later, she sang Shades of Cool. And later, also Ultraviolence. I can't wait to see her again soon and hopefully she will treat us some more UV songs. Happy anniversary. ♥
  11. So it's almost two weeks left and all I can think of is that I'm gonna die lol. I'll try to stay at the stage all day and get to the front by the time Lana comes on, and I hope I can make some friends around me to save me my spot whenever I need a restroom break, but like, I'm worried that I won't at the same time hasndkssnhdj I'm nervous. Is anyone else going alone or wants to say hi to me, please do, I'll try to pimp up a denim jacket with Lana on the back for this event so if you see me... please save my spot.
  12. Five years since the release and it still feels like yesterday. Happy anniversary, legend. ♥
  13. Aonuma has said that the Breath of the Wild sequel will take place in the same Hyrule and that he can’t say if we will be able to play as Zelda or not.
  14. Dagens Nyheter. My mom used to be subscriber (mostly for my dad to have something to try to read when he was still alive) and I remember that double spread pretty well. There was Lolita, Walt Whitman, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, perhaps The Godfather trilogy too and other people I’ve forgotten. Like I said, nothing new to us hardcore fans, but I guess it could be interesting to people who don’t know her very well.
  15. @@Elle Have you thought of what changes you want to go through?
  16. "Toy" Link amiibo will introduce a Shadow Link to Link's Awakening (in the dungeoun which is like a "Mario maker" I think, you speak to Dampé, which hasn't been in the game previously to get access to it).
  17. Oh... I thought people were smart enough to see that it was TP lol.
  18. Showing LA right now, it looks so cute: https://e3.nintendo.com/
  19. ^ I'm 100% sure it's a direct sequel, like how Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to The Wind Waker, and how Oracle of Seasons/Ages and Link's Awakening are sequels to A Link to the Past (they're the same hero). Hyrule looked exactly the same, the castle is still there, Link and Zelda's clothes are the same (well, ok, Link has a chainmail now, resembles the Hylian tunic to me), and the art direction look the same... I'd be very surprised if this wasn't the same world or characters. The only time I can recall that Nintendo has shown a teaser for a game with artwork they didn't use in the end was before(?) TP came out. I can't find the trailer now though. :/ And yes, just like you, I do missed the classic dungeons terribly. It was a great game, but the shrines didn't make it for me, only Hyrule Castle felt like a proper dungeon to me. I didn't want to leave, haha.
  20. Ok, there's a Gerudo mark on that... thing. It's gotta be Ganondorf somehow, I don't know how, but it's gotta be him. Hoooooly fuck, yesssssss, this is everything I wanted! :defeated: :defeated:
  21. I'm still hyped for LA though because I wanna play all the games one day ;w;
  22. Link's Awakening looks cute but honestly, BotW sequel stole all my attention, holy fuck omg it looks like everything I missed in the game
  23. Holy shit, I'm still not over this, I feel like exploding with emotions, I- I need to watch that trailer again, omggggggggg My twitter spam shows pretty well my thoughts right now omg gimme a paper bag so I can breathe
  24. I have! Last time was actually Doin' Time. Never have I ever tried to bungee jump.
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