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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Yes to both Paradixo and movebaby!
  2. Banned because I wanna read your username as Lana Del Rye
  3. 8 It’s difficult to forget, but I don’t exactly love it lol, it’s cool
  4. Gonna promote my NFR timeline for a bit, it’s good to go back and have a look whenever you’re trying to remember what has been said, when things happened and stuff. Link is in my signature.
  5. I wasn’t. Watch us reach 3000 pages before the album’s out.
  6. I came back to bathe in this collective disappointment and complaining, and I never thought I would say this because I’ve always been against leaking material from upcoming albums but, like, it’s JUNE. And she hasn’t told us anything, the managers won’t tell us much either, it’s lowkey insane that we’ve had to look up answers ourselves (for example, by contacting Abigail Rockwell, making phone calls). I might snap next time she updates Twitter or Instagram, I usually never comment because I don’t see the point in it when she’ll probably never read my comment among 1000 others. Now I’m gonna go retweet Nockwell’s tweet with SlowGinFizzzz’s post. I’m shit tired of her ignoring us, she better say something in Dublin about the album, even if it’s just a tiny comment like in New Orleans.
  7. Probably LA but the fan didn't say so I dunno. Found on Twitter. Her hair looks darker to me, wonder what was up with the red shade she rocked for a moment.
  8. Ok, this poem I ACTUALLY like! It's the first one I instantly liked! And whew, the frist and second picture. ♥
  9. Hoping for a interview with this! And I thought it was well known that magazines call an issue for a “fashion bible” when it’s filled with everything fashion (catwalk pictures, “must have” items, upcoming trends etc), more than usual.
  10. Oh hunny, I’m not imploding, I’m exploding!
  11. I really wish we had a magazine photo shoot right now, like some really great pictures of her in high quality in some pricey magazine that’s imported. Would be great to discuss the pictures and just collectively swoon over her. V magazine, come through.
  12. I’m in London with my mom for the flower show and learned for maybe a week ago that Akira Himekawa would be here at the same time, and I didn’t think I could go to meet them since the show was on during the same time as the signing - but I DID get to see them, chat a little bit about nonsense and get artwork and a copy of TP volume 5 signed. One of the best days in my life!! I was so excited and happy and my knees were shaking, but I’m sooo happy I could go after all!
  13. Wait, I thought Lana only played guitar? The only time I've seen her play on a piano was during that concert where she pressed one key.
  14. GUYS, I JUST HEARD DOIN’ TIME ON THE RADIO AAAAAAHHHHHH AND @@SlowGinFizzzz HEARD IT IN HIS COUNTRY TOO, SUMMER BOP IS INCOMINNNGGGGG!!!!! https://twitter.com/clampigirl/status/1130865760203624449?s=21
  15. I'm expecting us to reach 2000 pages within a month.
  16. Prom Song would have been so good for some teen movie.
  17. Why are everyone in here so snappy about other's opinions and discussions all of a sudden?
  18. Januray 2nd, on Instagram. No shows have been cancelled so far as I know, and I doubt she'll cancel any now.
  19. My life is so uneventful that I don’t really think of anyone when I listen to Lana’s songs, with the exception of Dark Paradise. Never liked the song very much so I don’t play it often, but I think of my father and my parrot who have both passed away. I couldn’t even play the song when my parrot was no longer with me. Black Beauty makes me think of friends who suffer from depression.
  20. Nah. Do you own any faux fur clothing?
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