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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I sent them a DM since the comment section of their latest post (with the timetable) is quite long, haha. I don’t want my question to get lost. I hope they’ll reply! It would be great if they’re able to stream her performance.
  2. This is the first time we have Lolla so I don’t know! But I can try and ask them on instagram, they’re usually pretty active there in the comment sections.
  3. Lana Del Rey, 21:15 (9:15 PM) on Bay Stage, Friday, June 28th! According to the timetable that just got revealed. I think she’s scheduled for about 75 minutes, maybe 90 if she can/wants to stretch it since no one is supposed to go on after her.
  4. Guys? Anyone? Please tell me I'm not insane.
  5. I've always been single so I guess my answer is "never"? Never have I ever hit someone on purpose.
  6. Everyone are talking about her hair but here I am like SHE'S NOT WEARING BLACK???!!?!?!
  7. ... Is it "Cause what we've got, we've got to share" or "got to cherish"? The more I listen, the more I hear cherish. I swear I can hear a whisper of "ish" at the end.
  8. I had to look up what "nectar of the gods" is and it seems to be the sweetest and most delicous drink or thing you can consume, and can literally mean food for (ancient Greek) gods. When looking at the previous line, "what cruel world is this?", she might be asking herself what kind of world this is to have something you can't stop yourself from having, which makes it cruel. Maybe we can think of it like candy - your tongue and brain loves it, but you know it's not good for you if you overconsume it. Perhaps this "nectar of the gods" is heroin, which she mentions in the next line. Heroin is an opioid and makes you addicted. She knows it's not good for her, yet she can't stop herself from having it i.e. she's addicted. She may be taking heroin to relieve heartbreak and pain, since it can have similar effects to morphine, another opioid, or she may be taking it to create a rush while thinking of her lover. The next line makes me think of Summertime Sadness ("cruisin' down the coast, goin' 'bout 99"), but I think she is describing the rush, the euphoric feeling from the drug ("racing at a million"). And she confirms that she can't stop using it - she's addicted. Finally, she is saying that she wishes to talk with her lover but she is either making calls but it too scared to actually talk to him and hangs up, or she keeps calling him and he refuses to have a proper conversation and hangs up the phone. She says that she loves him more than before ("like you never knew"), hinting that they're no longer a couple. Not being with him saddens her ("like the color blue") and maybe she's crossing lines just to show him how much she cares (like keep calling him on the phone and acting "fucking crazy" by doing that). After a quick search, I found that Lana is referencing a song, Honey on the Vine, by Matt Monro. I listened to it, and it's a sweet, jazzy love song (from 1997?), and if we go back to the previous line, she might be asking what a world would be like if it had love like that. Maybe she's thinking back to her past, remembering when her world was sweet like that, and thinking that she no longer recognizes it today. In the next lines, she's looking back to when she was still unknown and had grand dreams of her future. She dreamt of celebrities, namedropped singers, songwriters and artists in her own songs, imagining what it must be like to be one of them. Now, she knows what it means to be a celebrity and knows the backside of being one, and wonders why she even daydreamed of a life like this when she was young. Perhaps, her (ex-)lover is a musician too. ("I used to dream/sing about people like you") She made it to California and Los Angeles ("home land of the gods" - or maybe the "gods" are movie stars, and movie stars are usually in LA), a place she'd been longing to experience and live at. Now that she is here, she kind of has fullfilled her goals, she has everything she dreamt of (well, except for love I suppose) so the question is... what left is there for her to have? What will her new goals in life be? She's feeling lost in the place she feels most at home and must find herself. Perhaps she's feeling lost if her (ex-)lover dumped her, and she's asking herself what she did wrong and is trying to find an answer.
  10. Just fixing it so it gets correct... What you don't tell no one, you can tell me Little ghost tall, tan, like milk and honey You're very brave, and very free I push you high Cherry blossom on your sycamore tree What you don't tell no one, you can tell me Swing it high like Jesus, proud and free Dandelions in your hair, baby You're very brave, and there's much to see I push you high Cherry blossom on your sycamore tree What you don't tell no one, you can tell me But when you're scared, I'll be right here You feel afraid, mommy is there It's a cruel, cruel world But we don't care Cause what we've got, we've got to share What you don't tell no one, you can tell me Little ghost, blonde hair with lemonade tea There's much to learn, and so much to see I push you high, Angelino On your sycamore tree What you don't tell no one, you can tell me
  11. It really feels like a sweet lullaby, I really like it. ♥
  12. I was just typing this down but I was too slow it seems - THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL OMG these lyrics???
  13. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    She's not me VS Fordham Road
  14. I used to love Harry Potter and everything but my feelings for the stories have cooled down a bit, maybe because I'm older now. I've read all the books (Order of the Phoenix thrice during one summer lol) and I've watched the films but I don't remember them very well. I just remember that I didn't really like how they added romance in the later films where there wasn't in the novels. I'm not really feeling the Fantastic Beasts movies, I went with my friends to watch them and told them that I probably won't come along to watch the next one. Ok, so to fill in that questionnaire... When and how did you discover Harry Potter? Literally everyone were obsessing over the franchise, and I decided to pick up the first book to see what it was all about. I never really liked reading until I read Harry Potter, my teachers tried to give me different books and I liked none of them, but JK Rowling was the person who made me like reading. I was like... 11? What's your favorite film? I don't remember them very well, so I can't answer. I'd have to watch them all over to remember I think. What about your favorite book? Either The Halfblood Prince or The Deathly Hallows. Who's your favorite character and why? Hmmmnnndsdnskjdnskj such a difficult question!!! I'll go with Snape for the unexpected plot twist lol. Favorite spells? I don't remember them very well Accio seems very handy lol, but I also like alohomora for the word. Avada Kedavra for being iconic. What's your House? Hufflepuff. What's your Patronus? I honestly have no idea lol Why did I even fill in this form lol my memory is so bad
  15. @@Elle @@PARADIXO @@evilentity @@YUNGATA @mods in general, I think it's time to lock the thread again. There's pretty much nothing new to discuss about and it's better to lock it than let people pick fights for no reason.
  16. And let me just add that MTWBT is so soft and chill and it feels like you're floating on waves in an ocean and your arms are just so light and nice and you're twirling around, ugh this ALBUM!! ♥
  17. I second that the thread could easily stay locked for a while.
  18. Suddenly remembered that time she told us to share our phone numbers and she’d call us up lol, did she really call anyone or were people faking? Most posts were like “oh no, someone called and I missed it, it was Lana!” from what I recall.
  19. You know that I'm talking about this year, we all discussed it back in January and February when the critic lists came out.
  20. Um, it's very much true? We obviously want it, people in this thread beg her daily to just drop it and move on, critics have written that NFR is one of the most anticipated albums of the year.
  21. And the small announcement at BUKU that she's "putting it out slowly".
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