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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Discussed this with some friends yesterday. Since Gucci is apparently sponsoring the gala, and since the theme can be interpreted as humor mixed with irony (I think?), I wouldn't be surprised if she turned up in a bedazzled Gucci jacket with the letters NFR printed on it, just to mock us. To stay on topic: Lana, please say something about the album soon, we're so impatient.
  2. If she got her big breakthrough when she was younger - say, 20-23 - and had the same catalogue of songs she has today, do you think she would still have that desire to stay famous? I kinda think she's over this whole celebrity thing partly because she knows how annoying it can be (but she must have surely know about it before she became famous too?) but also partly because she's older and has matured.
  3. I think you're going to be disappointed. That solo was cool though.
  4. Failed half of my classes, feeling extremely anxious when I try to study, feeling guilty when I don't have the strength in me to even try to study, postponing shit like I've never have before, struggling with my down spiraling self confidence, escaping reality with shit that's not real and don't really matter if you think about it, and I don't want to die but LANA DO SOMETHING I NEED HAPPINESS Hi LB, now you know something more about me, have a nice evening.
  5. This is sadly so accurate... She will probably only play one or two new songs on her festival stops, maybe more if the album is out before they start.
  6. Banned for referring to something that's more than 100 years old.
  7. Love! ♥ ♥ ♥ I love your insta stories too, hehe.
  8. I can wait, I have a pretty high patience, but I'm just really disappointed when she said the album is finished and might be out early 2019 (I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up when she didn't sound so sure about that, but how could I not when everything seemed to be finished but the album cover?)... I can wait, I have other things to entertain myself with so I don't mind that much to be honest, but... just some proper comminucation about what's going on would be nice. Really nice.
  9. Maybe you’re right about that lmao Ok, different theory: by falling in love and making love, she has stories to tell in her songs and people will listen to her songs for years and years and years, and in that way, she has created her legacy?
  10. Maybe that, by loving someone, she will be remembered? Like... falling in love, starting a family, having grandkids who will remember you when you pass away?I don’t know either lol.
  11. Someone needs to Photoshop that please, my skills are almost nonexistent.
  12. I don’t expect any high notes, and I’m very certain she’ll be singing in the same style we’ve heard in the last songs. Beautiful, but nothing too complicated.
  13. I just checked my NFR timeline again and like... man, so much has happened but so little at the same time.
  14. This just made me remember how people had to wait to get their signed LFL copies, I wonder how long it would take her if she really will bind the books herself?
  15. Same, whenever I get a notif from insta, I don't even press it immediately because I know it won't be any album related. I keep hoping it is, but I know it won't, so I don't stress checking what it is. I mean... why would she, she don't think she's done anything wrong in her mind. This is her "plan", to not have a plan and just go with her feelings and release a song whenever and the album when she wants to. ... Yikes, it sounds like her label really don't have any demands at all, they really are gonna let her do as she pleases, huh? They might keep saying they want a more pop or radio friendly song, and she might listen to a degree, but it really is in her hands when this album is gonna come. Sigh.
  16. Father John Misty's Mr. Tillman just came on shuffle and it is... kinda driven by piano chords, just like how Lana's songs seem to be, but I haven't really thought about it until now. The piano's chords are kinda hidden in between all the guitars and drums, it would be nice if the songs on this album were similar. Like, the core instrument is there, but more instruments are added on top of that so you don't immediately notice the piano.
  17. I wouldn't want the songs to leak (mostly because it would be "wrong") but if they would... maybe she will think twice next time on how long she think she can wait to release a finished album. Or maybe she won't since she knows that all her previous albums have leaked anyway.
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